
Cointing being over 2224 days and some image bellow. Also link bellow to telegram account called "Hunter Biden": https://t.me/Hunter_Biden_p

https://britbonglogpost.blogspot.com/2021/07/whackd-hunter-hunted.html decoded: THEY WILL REDUCE THE POPULATION AT ALL COSTS. PHILADELPHIA IS VERY STRONG. DIVIDE.

By the way: cross on britbonglogpost turned to red one.

Telegram till now no changes: https://t.me/s/McafeeAfterlife

Also: Nice research video "stolen" from conspiracies.win: https://streamable.com/jhlq0d


8:13:35 I could be wrong,but worth considering. Clock.Another Clock. What Q clock was used for ?

So Q posts:




If not - found it also:

romans 8:13:35:

For if you live according to the flesh, you will die; but if by the Spirit you put to death the misdeeds of the body, you will live.


While majority of people here believe Q and that military is going to save us turning off internet if supply chain will be broken will be sign that deep state may be in fact in control as well.Observe narration & resupply yourself if you can.

Equip yourself in alternative communication measures - for example ham radio (license could be your smallest problem if totalitarian shit hits the fan).


What we currently know: https://cyberpolygon.com/scenarios/

My prediction using that data: possible target might be SAP or other ERP system(s). But it would be useful to make more observations about those "training" as I can be wrong.



What data just dropped?

Why is this relevant?




Where is HUMA?

Who is HUMA connected to?

What organization?

What is HUMA's family history?

How did HUMA meet HRC?

What did HRC say about HUMA that demonstrates how close they are?

Why are D's dropping HRC all of a sudden?

Were deals made w/ select D's?

Can we expose every crooked politician?



Follow HUMA.

Alice & Wonderland.

https://greatawakening.win/p/12i3uerPLV/general-flynns-official-endorsem/ Isaiah 6:8 -> 68


As I stated:

Maybe indeed we are watching a film... Really hope the show is going to end well instead of being communist distraction, I would be pissed on you Mr. Mike & Mr. Lin if it would be such.Sorry and greetings if I am too paranoic - I know you read us anyway.

PS-edit: 5:5 ! Shot just in 10. Harvard ! :D XD Tango down, first decoded drop on my account it looks :D https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ketanji_Brown_Jackson



It looks like is some blog,but if it is true it is QUITE BIG.

Also earlier: https://www.plenglish.com/index.php?o=rn&id=65313

Mainstream media: https://www.politico.com/news/magazine/2021/03/15/russia-putin-invasion-ukraine-baltics-nato-475527


https://www.themoscowtimes.com/2021/03/05/ukraine-calls-for-help-to-calm-frontline-escalation-a73166 (Moscow Semit is so Russian like New York Semit is American - Times <=> Semit, and no,not a joke:jewish is readed from right to left )

Some institute claiming to be in Warsaw (probably so Polish like "Warsaw Pact" was):


aaand our favourite POTATUS quote:


The price he’s going to pay, you’ll see shortly

By Joe Bidet...

It seems Dementia Joe said too much,and Demoncrap party precise narration will go to fuck... The problem is if it is not only show it might be nasty, as russia has not only stairs but real nukes: https://www.armscontrol.org/act/2020-07/news/russia-releases-nuclear-deterrence-policy

https://www.unian.info/war - but if it has to be showed as "response to Russian attack" and as defence by Ukraine...

Earlier notable examples: https://www.rferl.org/a/u-s-navy-sends-third-ship-into-black-sea-largest-presence-in-three-years/31075511.html



For example:

MSM Fake News Awards.

Are you prepared?


Organized and coordinated?

POTUS may reTWEET one or more.










Q - 532

You have been selected to help serve your Country.

Never retreat from the battlefield [Twitter, FB, etc.].

Use other platforms as a form of centralized command and control.

Organize and connect [bridge through linking].

Source meme(s) material from battlefield and/or garage [highlight & share][take & drop]

Mission 1: Dispute [reject] propaganda push through posting of research and facts

Mission 2: Support role of other digital soldiers [one falls another stands (rises)]

Mission 3: Guide [awaken] others through use of facts [DECLAS 1-99 material and other relevant facts] and memes [decouple MSDNC control of info stream] _ask 'counter' questions to initiate 'thought' vs repeat [echo] of MSDNC propaganda

Mission 4: Learn use of camouflage [digitally] _primary account suspended-terminated _use of secondary

Mission 5: Identify strengths / weaknesses [personal and designated target(s)] re: Twitter & FB [+other] example re: meme(s) failure to read through use of ALGO [think Tron (MCP_master control program)] _dependence on person-to-person capture [slow response time unidentified user(s)]

Game theory.

Information warfare.

Welcome to the Digital Battlefield.

Together we win.

Q - 4509

Without you, collectively, there would have been no way to bypass their control.

They weren't about to repeat the mistake(s) of 2016.

You are what matters most.


You awake, thinking for yourself, is their greatest fear.



Q -4880

Watch: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HapPp7a20uA Do President Trump were just saying worthless shit,or you believe his words ? Don't you wanna do your part ? Because you can.We all can.


It is meme war now,enemy still have too much control outside our base. GO,GO,GO !

If you not get it,or still not know what to do - training camp awaits: https://qposts.online/


About a month ago we were investigating a bit Space Force photos. for example there are such findings: https://greatawakening.win/p/12hRZjLZAu/space-force-17--decoded--15-of-1/ To this day password was not found. But I had finding that in exif of image: https://www.wpafb.af.mil/News/Art/igphoto/2002582694/

There are strange uppercases. As I noticed it created "SIS". All ignored it,me too, because of looking for password and hidden message ok ? Right.Later I got that those SIS is in fact MI6. Ok. Still not gives password ok ? But fuck the password, what is about old SIS ? Today I realised this (it was not so fast) obvious thing: JAMES BOND.

And that gives us interesting coincidences to consider:

1.We indeed have "Q" in James Bond series (By the way reminding me about Bond films related to space would be appreciated - I wasn't so big fan of this to remember all those films...)

2.James Bond fights in most movies international organisation called "Spectre" and also film about it same title. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SPECTRE https://jamesbond.fandom.com/wiki/SPECTRE And about the film: "9 eyes" serving evil ones (spectre) looks similar to "5 eyes"...

3.Earlier the film "Goldeneye".Being 17 from those series. Satellite weapon (What is funny we have Marjorie Taylor-Greene and space-laser "conspiracy theory" on January 28)

and Goldeneye was about plot to damage world economy. Plot done by rogue traitor agent by the way...

Noticeable: Part of it were filmed near Arecibo telescope. At December 1st 2020 Arecibo collapsed.Earlier was damaged on august 10 2020.

Maybe there are other coincidences ? Who knows...

As in title: it is hawk-dove game with guns - expect false flags, no armed move shall be done until they will sign it.They want to provoke us. If however military will avoid action and allow it to be signed then our belief of many (including me) in Q will be severely damaged,and worse: USA and whole world will be in grave danger, as guns are fangs of freedom. No guns in people hands = freedom is toothless delusion.

If anybody isnt 1000% sure of Q wise thing would be to chose tangos and do scouting. Or prepare some nice places to be chosen for defence purposes.

Really hope those Q posts "guns are safe" are about today.Indeed "guns are safe" - FOR NOW. All things could be saved by storm in this or next week,but 2 months or more will be probably too late.

For sure military and Q shouldn't demand people to wait until deep state takes peoples guns right ? Good commander shall never give order demanding from his people things wouldn't be able to obey and perform right?



Registered on Bahamas by facade company to avoid releasing who registered it.

after checking: https://ddosecrets.com/wiki/Contact Data leads to harvard: https://www.iq.harvard.edu/ (oh,they get cooperation with Microsoft,what a accident...

Others too: https://ddosecrets.com/wiki/About

To secure it from being removed - they give following names:

Name @Twitter

Emma Best @NatSecGeek ,

Lorax B. Horne - @bbhorne

Paul Galante @galanp02

Milo Trujillo @illegaldaydream

Beka Valentine

Xan “Grace” North @brazendyke


Annalise Burkhart

Freddy Martinez

Birgitta Jónsdóttir

Jennifer Helsby

Micah Lee @micahflee

So now we can oversee the "overseers" claiming we "were critically involved in the January 6 coup attempt and various conspiracy theories"

Because those leftists claim they like "transparency" - well,transparency is transparency isn't it ? So now we know about it and can oversee the overseers :P


training in totalitarism:

"Today we begin by discussing your essay on how to enslave one hundred million free citizens. You know, Fenix, I must admit that not everything in your essay is clear to me.

  • And what is unclear in that? There is a parade on the Red Square. Twenty people in each row. Ten ranks, two hundred men in each sector. These sectors are beyond the horizon. They march steadily until it's nice to watch. Every soldier spent a whole year sweating as he trained for the parade. And not only in Moscow, but everywhere. Question: Is throwing out straightened legs above the waist, sticking out the breasts and lifting the chin above the nose useful in case of hostilities? Why waste time practicing the parade step? Answer: to force thousands of people to react unreasonably, to get them used to obeying orders, not common sense.
  • It's hard to disagree.
  • Well. Then a similar exercise must be applied to hundreds of millions of people. "Make the citizens march in a parade?"
  • Not necessarily. I mean the content, not the form. The most important thing is that these exercises are absurd and that they concern hundreds of millions of people at the same time. It's best to get them to do some idiotic behavior. Regularly.
  • Do you have any examples of such idiots?
  • For example, you can force all of humanity to change the hands of the clocks twice a year.
  • How to justify it?
  • Energy saving.
  • It is true?
  • Not at all! Factories are the most important consumers of electricity. Means of transport are in second place. We will move the pointers, or we will not move - the amount of energy used will not change anyway. Coal mines are a serious customer. It's always dark there. Or street lighting. The light turns on when it's dark and turns off when it's bright. What will changing the clues?
  • Some of the energy is used by people in their apartments ...
  • Right. Less than one percent. But within this percentage, not everything goes to lighting either. Soon there will be times when people will have electric irons, electric meat grinders, electric telephones, radios, electric home theater. You can turn the clock hands in either direction and it will not affect your energy consumption in any way. Anyway, it looks similar with apartment lighting: in summer it is still light and it does not matter whether you get up at five or ten. In turn, in the winter morning it is still dark and there is no need to do without lighting. It doesn't matter if it's an hour earlier or later. "So you don't think there will be any use for resetting the clocks?"
  • There will be only trouble. Lots of trouble.
  • And no one will argue?
  • The crowd can't think. The crowd will take it for granted. It will create new problems for itself. If we only impose on mankind ten of these idiotic behaviors, if we make everyone submit without reservation, then we will take over the world. A great idea: to force billions of people to act absurdly against their interests and common sense."

Vladimir Bogdanovich Rezun (literary nickname: Victor Suvorow), novel "Choice".

You are free to repost that about covid. I actually want you to do that.Thank you. By the way - I will post it as self-alone post.

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