ctrlshiftrightspace -2 points ago +1 / -3

Education is disproving the holocaust through ChatGpt

ctrlshiftrightspace 2 points ago +2 / -0

And God gave man his ultimate autonomy to choose between right and wrong...to be clear

And, that all nations like men ought to have have self determination.

God was not seeking rent from good or bad deeds. Only through faith alone and believing in Jesus that all man will be redeemed.

However, in the CBDC rent based technocracy and digital feudalism between nations on "different networks" is as you say.

They are preventing the redeemer from being world wide and all debts being paid. Essentially they want the world to pay a temple tax and and a tax on the people of a nation.

Otherwise you get 1930s Germany Weimar in America today and capital controls through Switft/Wire etc... But, without nations having contracts that can be broken...no speaking to the redeemer without going through the temple first.

ctrlshiftrightspace 2 points ago +2 / -0

They are not "suffering," or having "TDS," they are role playing the trannification that happened in Germany after WWI (Weimar in the 1930s.)

Kissenger said...what is illegal we do immediately...was is constitutional takes longer...

So, it is just "soft-power" that the media is using...selling the "hardened hearts" soft solutions being brutal...as Moses leading the slaves to through the desert after pleading with Pharoah.

Albeit, this is a bit of a play also on Daniel and the Lions...are we the Lions being told soft truths about Daniel so that we will sit in the Lions cage?