Every time I speak to a 'normie' about the pandemic, I always forget to mention something. I've put together a summary of talking points and thought I would share it on this board. Sorry it's so long but I didn't want to miss anything. I'm from Canada but most of the points should relate to everyone. I'd appreciate it if you could let me know if I have some of my facts wrong or if you can add some other important points. I'm kind of new to posting so I hope the format doesn't get screwed up. Thanks!

COVID 19/Variants:

  • Those that died were overwhelmingly the most vulnerable to any virus (i.e the elderly or people with other issues/compromised immune system).

  • The most prevalent co-morbidity in COVID deaths is obesity.

  • The average survival rate is over 99%. Even for those over 70, it’s over 94%

  • The CDC admitted last year that only 6% of the total COVID deaths were from COVID alone.

  • Hospitals were incentivized to classify as many deaths as possible to COVID.

  • Pay attention when they say if a death was “from” COVID or “with” COVID.

  • CDC has admitted that asymptomatic spread, transmission outdoors and transmission from surfaces are very rare.

  • Like all viruses, the variants are more contagious but less deadly. The data from England to date shows the death rate from the Delta variant is 0.1%


  • The creator of the PCR test (Kary Mullis) said the test was never meant to be used to identify viruses and would create false positives. The test was meant to identify DNA for use in archaeology.

  • Kary Mullis dies suddenly (and conveniently) in August 2019 before the pandemic starts.

  • It is now understood that PCR testing using a cycle threshold over 28 will create false positives (the higher the cycle threshold, the more false positives). In Ontario, I believe they use a cycle threshold of 45.

  • The terms ‘cases’ and ‘outbreak’ have been used to create fear and panic. Before COVID, a ‘case’ meant someone that’s been confirmed with an illness and requires treatment. The use of these terms during this pandemic is misleading as they do not indicate whether symptoms are present.

  • The 2020/2021 flu season never occurred (according to government data). As the flu and colds are also corona viruses, it is extremely likely that these were classified at COVID 19.

  • Since we can’t get an accurate count of the actual COVID deaths, we need to look at the death rate during the pandemic compared to previous years. If COVID was so deadly, there should have been a spike in the worldwide death rate (as well as by country). The death rate in 2020 and so far in 2021 is in line with 2018 and 2019.

Pandemic Response:

  • In most countries, lockdowns, masks and social distancing were implemented.

  • Canada, as well as Ontario, had pandemic plans in place before COVID and these were ignored. None of them called for masks or lockdowns.

  • The governments have not been able to produce peer reviewed and repeatable scientific studies to justify their pandemic responses (because they don’t exist).


  • The average timeline for previous vaccines to be developed, tested and approved is 8 years. The “vaccines” for COVID were developed in 8 months.

  • A traditional vaccine contains fragments of the actual virus. Since COVID 19 has never been isolated, these are not really vaccines as we have known them in the past.

  • The drug manufacturers have been working on corona versus vaccines for decades. The previous attempt by Pfizer was tested on animals and an unacceptable rate of death occurred before they shut down that attempt.

  • The current set of “vaccines” have not been tested on animals. This is a live clinical trial on humans.

  • No one, no one, no one knows the long term effects of these “vaccines” on humans despite what anyone says.

  • These “vaccines” have not been fully approved by our government health agency (or any country that I know of). They have been authorized for emergency use.

  • The “vaccine” manufacturers can not be held liable for any side effect or death.

  • The manufacturers do not include any possible side effects in their packaging because of the emergency use authorization. We also do not know what the "vaccines" actually contain.

  • The COVID vaccinations are experimental and modify a person’s RNA and DNA.

  • Forcing someone to take an experimental medical treatment without informed consent violates the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, the Nuremberg Code, the Geneva Conventions and the UN Charter (among others).

  • These “vaccines” were never meant to stop a vaccinated person from contracting COVID 19 (unlike, say, the polio vaccine). The intended purpose was to minimize the symptoms in the vaccinated and hopefully prevent hospitalization and/or death. Period.

  • To blame the unvaccinated for the spread is ridiculous and is not logical nor based in science.

  • The VAERS and European Vaccine Tracking System show that a large number of deaths and adverse reactions have occurred in the vaccinated. It is understood that these numbers are only a fraction of actual deaths/reactions. In the past, any vaccine or drug that was introduced and caused more than 150 deaths (maximum) was removed from use.

  • Any scientific discussion (outside of the approved narrative) is censored and people are facing harsh penalties.


Unless I heard wrong, I thought Dr Frank just said they have images of the voting machines before, during and after the election. Can anyone else confirm? I would say that's a BOOM. I believe he's going to show the images in 5 minutes or so.


First post so forgive me if I screw it up. I'm a Canadian living in Ontario. Our provincial government just laid out the guidelines for re-opening. Three stages, that are all dependent on how many people are vaccinated. It's pretty obvious to me what's going to happen next. Either not enough people get vaccinated to meet the criteria or there's a manufactured 4th/5th/6th wave of the virus. Either way, the government has set it up so that whatever happens, the un-vaccinated will take the blame. I'm sure vaccine passports and severe restrictions on un-vaccinated people will follow. I'm mentally and physically preparing for a time when I may not be able to legally leave my house or get access to services. I live in a VERY liberal area. Other than my partner and I, I only know of one other person that hasn't been vaccinated (due to cancer treatment). Does anyone have any advice (from a legal or support perspective) on how to get through this? Canadians are generally a very compliant people and are unaware of the fascist techniques being used on them. Not only do they support the government, they thank them for keeping them safe. I can envision a time where my neighbours, family and friends may become verbally and physically hostile because we're standing in the way of them getting back their freedoms. I trust the plan but it's taking a lot longer than I thought. Sorry for the long post but it feels good to actually type it out. I appreciate any advice you can give.

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