This has probably been said before, I don't remember seeing so in the slim chance that it hasn't been said…
Theory: LIQUID Gold Destroys The Fed. The Green New Deal is a smokescreen that prevents that from happening.
"…it's a horrible thing to watch Biden is also now pleading with the Venezuelan dictator to sell us oil what do we need his oil for we have so much right under our own feet more than any other country we have liquid gold under our own feet and we're dealing with Venezuela a far cry from the trump administration where we were energy independent for the first time in the history of our country that was a year and a half ago seems like a long time ago but we were energy independent we were selling oil to other countries we were making an absolute fortune and you remember when not so long ago a year and a half ago $1.87 a gallon remember that and remember what I said during the debate and other times they said you don't pick me you're gonna be paying seven eight nine dollars I said that and I said you're gonna be trading in your big luxurious cars and trucks for little tiny cars the choice this November is very simple if you want high crime high prices high taxes high corruption and high incompetence vote for the radical democrats if you want a country that is strong sovereign solvent safe and secure you must vote for America first republicans have to do it but of all the Biden catastrophes…" ~ President Trump - September 2nd, 2022
Apologies for the lack of sentence structure, the text taken from a youtube transcript, and I have to run off to work in about five twelve minutes ago (h/t Karine Jean-Pierre) so I don't have time to edit. bbl
Newsmax posted a video of this segment of the rally/speech:
TRUMP: We have liquid gold under our feet and we're dealing with Venezuela https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wtL6FgMFmbA

Sheep like to follow the majority right? Screenshots of youtube likes/dislikes might help with some red pilling. After all, that's why Youtube turned off the thumbs down. Meet browser extension ReturnYoutubeDislike
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