dfgdgff 1 point ago +2 / -1

Lmao, no the guy lives on another planet. Hes out there. Rambling about some made up argument over an EPIC system thats called something different in every state and claiming that hospitals are killing covid patients with fentanyl. The guy is nuts.

Is he a mod alt or what? Hes blocked and can still mess up my threads with his meth fueled ramblings.

dfgdgff -1 points ago +1 / -2

Now if that were the case then you would most certainly have a point.

But we trade USD internationally. Its called the USD or the U.S. dollar to everyone who uses it. Thats its legal term that its traded under.

Are you saying that all current money would be worthless under the new system? Russia didnt do that. Wouldnt that render all retirements and investments worthless?

That would be a massive shock to our way of life. How would the elderly start over?

dfgdgff -1 points ago +1 / -2

"If it turns out that crimes were committed (which I seriously doubt, though maybe), then that was by design for the Show.">

"There is just no way to justify crime for some bigger picture">


Well of course this is a show, but these actors have a real world effect. The money that these actors make in their move is real. Its real and illegal.

Its like if an actor actually killed someone in a movie. Thats still a crime. Unless youre alex baldwin apparently, but still. When trump said in his movie that people should take the vaccine, people in the real world actually took it. Children died because of it that actors actions.

Thats why i care. The actions of these actors are real.

When the movie is over will they give that 2.7 billion back? Because that was real money the actors were using.

dfgdgff 0 points ago +2 / -2

Hes blocked, has been for a long time. He should not be able to reply correct?

dfgdgff -1 points ago +1 / -2

Im going to need a source on that one there chief. Because as a healthcare profession that sounds absolutely absurd.

There was a trial for Nebulized Fentanyl with covid patients that had 200 volunteers and no one died. I never heard of it being publicly used.

dfgdgff -1 points ago +1 / -2

Petty? They netted themselves a cool $2.7 billion in a 6 year period. That makes the biden and clinton crime families look like peanuts in comparison.

Not to mention that apparently Ivanka now owns the rights to the voting machines that will be used in up comming elections. How much is that worth?

The end justifies the means stuff is straight out of the communist manifesto.

dfgdgff -3 points ago +1 / -4

I dont agree with the first half but thats perfectly ok. Thats why we need these discussions.

There is just no way to justify crime for some bigger picture. The ends justifies the means stuff is straight out of the communist manifesto. Similar to trump being an advocate for a vaccine thats killing innocent children.

If we took the stance of current crime is ok if it exposes the whole picture then a full illegal military takeover would have been a better option. Just arrest everyone involved and seize their assets, skip the long game and get it over with. But no one wants martial law, just like no one should want political corruption to continue. Just like i hope no one is ok with killing children to expose big pharm. There is nothing worth that cost.

After this is over we will still use the dollar. Those who profit now will still have that profit afterwards. Trump himself has said he wants to keep the dollar but have it backed by gold. Like the russians just did.

dfgdgff -1 points ago +1 / -2

Well said, they want to argue both sides of the coin. They claim its not criminal kick backs because he wasnt in office while in the same breathe claiming trump is still the legitimate president. So which is it lol.

A 2 bil kick back, which is considered bribery. Thats a crime. Thats the same political corruption that we criticize people like pelosi for. Or like you mentioned, hillary's multi million dollar speaking fees.

I just created a part 3 where it details how Ivanka made 640 million while holding a position at the white house.

dfgdgff -1 points ago +1 / -2

That was the excuse for the Kusher/Afinity absolutely. They claimed because it happened when trump was out of office. Ignoring the reality of it all and unable to add 2+2. They also make those claims while claiming is still the actual president lol.

Ivanka made $640 directly from policies created by her father, the sitting president, at the time.

dfgdgff -3 points ago +2 / -5

You had a long winded response that basically stated "so what". You made it clear that you dont care about illegal conflict of interests deals made while in office, which is clear political corruption.

The trump family had to commit crimes and gain a massive amount of wealth to expose the real criminals? Come on man.

Ivanka's deal while she held a position at the white house, made with the chinese, is crime. She made $640 million in 4 years. Money that was made directly from policies that her father, the sitting president, created.

dfgdgff -4 points ago +3 / -7

I hate that response so much. So what? So political corruption is ok? We cant do anything about it so so what?

You can not criticize then biden crime family for the same reason. So what, they we were already wealthy.

That just doesnt make any sense. I feel like we keep giving them a free pass.

Well initially it was thought that maybe the kushner deal was a trap. But when you dig into the connections and history you quickly see that isnt so. Trump pardoned Kushner's dad who was a long time democrat donor who was put in prison for illegal campaign contributions, tax evasion, and witness tampering involving the democrat party. Why would he do that? Then all the deals with Jared, the entire family is getting filthy rich from their chinese and saudi connections.

That part i agree, i never liked kushner. That family are open zionists with bad Israeli and democrat party connections.

Maybe at the end of this we will find out what really happened but for now id just like to start the discussion. The way this site lashes out against that though raises even more concerns.

dfgdgff 1 point ago +3 / -2

Seriously how is this guy still posting? Is that a mod account or what?

dfgdgff 0 points ago +4 / -4

Mods can we clear this garbage up. This Zeitreise guy has been blocked but is still spamming my threads with his psychobabble. This is a blatant and obvious attempt to derail legitimate discussion.

I am a long time healthcare professional and dont need to explain myself to a dullard who claimed hospitals are dosing covid patients with fentanyl.

It really makes me wonder why these kushner and ivanka dirty dealings are bringing out such emotional responses, even from mods who openly attacked me in part 1 of this discussion. I think we need more eyes on the topic.

dfgdgff -2 points ago +2 / -4

Of course he was, but have you read part 1 or 2 that i linked?

And Ivanka making 640 million while working for the white house under her father is pretty blatant. I dont know why we dont view their actions the same as previous political families but they blow away everyone else is how much they made while in office.

dfgdgff -1 points ago +1 / -2

I remember why i had you blocked now. You are actually insane. You are the guy who tried to claim hospitals were dosing covid patients with fentanyl hahaha

dfgdgff 0 points ago +1 / -1

No one mentioned epic at all. You bring it up out of nowhere and start making ridiculous claims. I remember why i had you blocked now. You are actually insane. You are the guy who tried to claim hospitals were dosing covid patients with fentanyl hahaha

dfgdgff 0 points ago +1 / -1

Im sorry that you are so poorly educated that you fall for mindless nonsense. But those drugs saved a lot of lives. Regardless of what you read online.

"Not everything you read online is true" - Abraham Lincoln

dfgdgff 0 points ago +1 / -1

Wow, what a child. That is pathetic. You jump on here trying to scold me for wrong think, throwing out insult after insult. Then you run and cry to the mods when i wont bend at the knee. Hahah, how pathetic. How old are you kid?

dfgdgff 0 points ago +1 / -1

Says the reddit mod trying to scold people for "wrong think".

dfgdgff 0 points ago +1 / -1

Reddit is a shithole who cares about that place. Lets not turn this place into reddit. Youre sitting here trying to be the thought police, telling me i need to appeal to egos and biases. That i need to change my wrong think or else i cant have an open discussion.

dfgdgff 0 points ago +1 / -1

Again why do i need to appeal to egos or biases? Thats not open discussion. You are trying to dictate how and why i can have open discussion. How do you not see a problem with that?

The kushner story at the time was the #1 news story across all outlets. Yet not a peep on this site.

So i asked why it was being ignored? Thats a legitimate question. It was the #2 top searched google search that day. It was trending on twitter. But im the only one to even mention it.

But again, i dont need to appeal to your ego or biases. If you think trump or kushner are god and can do no wrong then you need to reexamine your life. Because youre no different than a biden voter. There are some very scandalous things happening close to trump and his family. We should be able to discuss those happenings without being called a pos by the site mods.

dfgdgff 0 points ago +1 / -1

Proof that it was stickied? I spent a lot of time on here during those days and it was never stickied.

He didnt allow for open discussion because i was banned immediately after posting my part 2 of that series.

How can you possibly defend his behavior? That is insane and so are you. Not one part of what happened is okay or acceptable.

What is your actual defense for a mod calling a member a "shill piece of shit" for wanting a discussion?

You cant defend, you havent even tried. All you are doing is attacking me with insults, projection, and blame switching. Im sure you're probably his alt account, but this is disgusting by both of you.

dfgdgff 0 points ago +1 / -1

Because the "reddit fag" is an ego maniac who stickies everyone of his own posts and openly attacks members for no reason whatsoever. Even encourages other members to attack people he doesnt agree with. That is insane. That is actually insane and so is whoever defends that kind of behavior.

You are defending reddit behavior while "blame switching" that same behavior.

dfgdgff 0 points ago +1 / -1

Ok thank you, but ive tried that. I was banned for dissing the mods the last time i tried to get help with an issue like this.

Is the admin of this site not available? That seems strange in itself.

dfgdgff -1 points ago +1 / -2

We shouldnt have to appeal to ego. We shouldnt have to bow down to anyone for open discussion. Thats communist talk.

We either have open discussion or we become twitter and reddit.

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