Bannedin, we asked the doctors and they said his pain was incredible. I think as with all illnesses, people have different experiences. Do I wish they pain meds had never started, absolutely. I have never seen anyone in as much pain as our son was in - his leg was horrific. He came thisclose to losing not only his leg but his life. The docs had to put him in a coma because the infection had spread throughout his body. They were afraid that his brain would swell more. Then, he had a reaction to the antibiotic and developed Stevens-Johnson Syndrome and his skin began peeling from his body. The docs had to begin treating those areas the same way 3rd degree burns are treated. It was horrible.
Thank you. Had never heard of Celebrate Recovery but just did a Yandex search and found there is a group. If our son is lucky, the judge will sentence him to rehab. He'll then have a trial because possession of meth and heroin are felonies. I mean we'll talk to his lawyer and tell them about the hospital and painkillers if our son hasn't. Don't know of that will mitigate the sentence he eventually gets.
Thank you BamaQ