dwcdwc 6 points ago +6 / -0

Bit of a fangless comeback there, fren. Did that toll a bell of truth in your shitty center? I'm sorry you weren't (and with your disgusting personality probably still aren't) loved. Are you a single-parent kid, an orphan, or just plain born to a couple of shitstains that stained you?

dwcdwc 2 points ago +2 / -0

I'm pissed and feel betrayed and I'm questioning reality too. I can't imagine trying to raise children during this. The thought has even crossed my head "what if Trump is in on it all of this was to pacify us?" That doesn't ring true with me though, I think at worst he did what he could and he's just one man surrounded by devils...but also why not enact that 2018 foreign election interference EO by now? If not that, then what, at this point? So I hear you, and I'm sorry people are treating you like you're crazy and that this is all happening. I understand the need to vent, I normally wouldn't have said the things I said to you, but goddamnit am I pissed too! But I just hope that at least here we can treat each other well, especially now.

dwcdwc 1 point ago +1 / -0

"You don’t even see the insanity in how you treat anyone that has a modicum of skepticism? "

Speaking out both sides of your mouth, creating a narrative. If you had stated your skepticism in a constructive way you would have gotten a different response than you are getting from everyone. But that's not why you're here, you're here to ridicule.

This is akin to kicking someone when they are down then wondering why they a don't roll out the welcome carpet for your viewpoints.

And this? "Curious, y’all gonna off yourselves by the time we’re a year into a Biden presidency"

That's just disgusting.

dwcdwc 1 point ago +1 / -0

When did I say the plan is still in place? I have no idea what's going on and today is as sad a day for me and so many as it is for you.

When did I call you a "Shill Commie Pedophile?" You're putting other people's words in my mouth, how is THAT logical thinking? I said you're acting like a child calling people crybabies with this post and that pic, rubbing in a loss. Dedicating time to putting people down. Like someone else said, a 7th grade bully.

Your words show that you are not thinking logically, but emotionally.

So, what, when this account gets banned you will make another, and another one? Keep spewing bile because it somehow makes you feel better or something? Get your head out your ass.

dwcdwc 1 point ago +1 / -0

Leftist shill throwing tantrum accuses others of throwing tantrum as a leftist does. I don't believe for a second you followed Q for 4 years with any good honest intent. That person would not turn around now and dedicate any time to "rubbing it in."

Whatever you actually are, your behaviour here is that of a child and you have a lot of emotional maturing ahead of you. Enjoy your ego.

dwcdwc 2 points ago +2 / -0

They started saying that back when they tried to lie about Trump dissing the military...same time the video of Biden calling them all stupid in a speech he was giving ("laugh you stupid idiots" something like that) was making its rounds.

Trying to twist the narrative as always. Sounds very wooden, awkward and fake as hell when these demons say it.

dwcdwc 1 point ago +1 / -0

I've seen some of that for sure, but I haven't been active here enough to say it's constant. Back just a couple weeks ago greatawakening.win had a different tone to it

dwcdwc 2 points ago +2 / -0

I recommend https://x22report.com/ but like with everything take it with a grain of salt. Good ol Dave's a great place to start though, for current info. He points to past Q posts as well to explain how they're relevant now. "Hiiiiii aand welcome, you'relisteningtotheX22reportmynameisDave -" (you'll see)

dwcdwc 2 points ago +2 / -0

Plus I think a lot of that recently are people who came over from TDW to get away from the dooming but are going the exact opposite extreme. Can tell by the quality of posts, I just thought I was scrolling through TDW hot posts and realized I was here.

dwcdwc 1 point ago +1 / -0

How would you know what the "vibe that is constantly entertained here" would be if you're new?

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