Still offended. Company needs to rebrand to Hasperson. Can't let this Bro patriarchy continue.
? These people are stupid!
We must not let Rand Paul ask such humiliating questions. Let the threats begin! ????
? These people are stupid!
Rand Paul absolutely SHREDS Shrek HHS nominee over transgender genetalia mutilation. Shrek refuses to answer, gives canned broken-record response.
? These people are sick! ?
Another simple red pill graph for anyone trying to explain Pelosi's "COVID" Relief bill
We have the best journalists. United States of America, A.B. (After Biden)
ℹ️ ⚔️ Information Warfare ⚔️ ℹ️
INCITING AN ERECTION!! Well.. in her defense, to some, tying up is considered foreplay.
They really are trying to make all people one gender. Let's groom little boys early to co-mingle in girl's business! Totally normal! Nothing to see here.
? These people are stupid!
I filled out my mail-in vaccination card 14 times.