gul_dukat 13 points ago +13 / -0

Many people (myself included) have accused the Q community of “hopium”, yet here we are, with the left literally making their entire narrative about millions of evil Trump supporters descending on DC.

They will tell themselves it really did happen and will be “true believers”. They don’t have any other choice. Their entire reason for living will fall apart if there isn’t right wing violence in DC this week.

gul_dukat 7 points ago +7 / -0

At the core, “trust the plan” is telling us “Good’s going to win over evil” and then telling us to do our own research instead of relying on somebody to tell us what to think/do. Really hard to see any upside for evil people in promoting that kind of thinking which now has spread to millions.

Silencing speech about Q has been a priority of mainstream socmed and mainstream media now for going on 2 years; the priority of this mass banning is what made a believer out of me. Even if it started as a psy-op - the result now is beyond anyone’s control. Good will prevail.

gul_dukat 7 points ago +7 / -0

I spent the last 3 years believing it’s a LARP, but at this point, it’s harder to believe it’s a LARP than accept any other explanation