hunterhiden 1 point ago +1 / -0

theres no need to feel down its way out of our hands and trumps put all the pieces in place to raw dog these cunts so either trump was a traitor and scam artist and was just completely fucking with us the whole time or theres still stuff about to happen somehow even if it sounds completely stupid but in any case what can we do if trump is a traitor then there was never any hope to begin with but now at least a lot of people woke up

hunterhiden 4 points ago +5 / -1

everything points to it all being real

hunterhiden 4 points ago +6 / -2

trump never once not talked positively about q and his tweets were full of q shit so shut up

hunterhiden 1 point ago +1 / -0

No it wasnt. You clearly have not looked into any of it. Like i said if Q was a larp then Trump was also a scam.

hunterhiden 3 points ago +3 / -0

It is a psyop but its Trump made and you can always fuck right off if you don’t trust him

hunterhiden 5 points ago +5 / -0

Honestly people who actually believe he won will never wake up

by qbert89
hunterhiden 1 point ago +2 / -1

Q is tied to Trump, if Q is a scam Trump is a scam, anyone who’s looked into Q knows this. I think this is more disinformation than anything cause everyone else seemed to start shitting really hard on Q around the same time just a few weeks ago maybe they were told to who knows but if AJ knows that Q is real and what’s going to happen what would be the point of trashing it to be proven wrong a week later?

hunterhiden 4 points ago +4 / -0

He didnt mean it literally he meant it figuratively the next president will be donald trump

hunterhiden 2 points ago +2 / -0

Lol not a doubt in my mind that every single one of these people are nut cases by the way they bullshit and deceive so easily and frequently

hunterhiden 1 point ago +1 / -0

I think they really had no better choice they needed someone very compromised who can be controlled the easiest also his name was associated with Barry which probably all of the low info dumb leftists (most of them) love and they probably didnt think trump would do that well and they knew they could have hitler win didnt matter how many votes they got and no media would ever question anything only conservative media whos audience would never vote for dems

hunterhiden 13 points ago +13 / -0

If Q was a pacification psyop then Trump also was a pacification psyop and it armed millions of people with information they didnt have before so even if nothings done tomorrow as long as people still have their guns all bets are off

hunterhiden 1 point ago +1 / -0

It will be a big win no need to force coincidences sorry to kill the buzz we’re still gonna win though so no worries

hunterhiden 1 point ago +1 / -0

It says admiralty law, which is the DC law so my guess is it would always be this flag in DC

hunterhiden 1 point ago +1 / -0

the fuck? am i wrong? why dont you tell me why im wrong? id watch your doc honestly im open to hearing all sides and all perspectives but you havent given me any reason to think hitler wasnt a collectivist which is as far as im concerned is evil. if im wrong let me know dont just LOL and leave wtf is that

hunterhiden 1 point ago +1 / -0

yes. he's got them by the balls, you say he doesnt have anything by the balls if he loses, i tell you if he loses then he's let go of their balls, the fuck dont you understand? he's got all the evidence, election fraud, corruption, treason, all of it. he's in control of the military, good guys in charge of military intelligence, any second he wants he invokes IA the military becomes in charge and they can put them all in prison. just because you havent seen it happen yet doesnt mean he cant or wont.

what facts? the original argument was that everything on that list was wrong, none of it was, unless you're saying they weren't socialist? maybe they had low income tax but it was in their name so i guess that makes it your word against theirs. now i'm saying i'd rather live in a shithole economically but be free than having the best economy ever with no individual rights. thats no feelings thats choice, if you dont agree with unalienable rights like i said move to china or canada.

by gamepwn
hunterhiden 2 points ago +2 / -0

Shit looks staged and timing is very sus but we really should start doing that in case it doesn't work out military wise.

hunterhiden 1 point ago +1 / -0

He has them by the balls. Only way he loses is is by letting go if he feels like it.

Most people in the world know that Trump is a good guy despite the billions spent monthly to destroy his image. Like I said Trump's had a much tougher opposition. Hitler was a bad guy and less than 1% of the world probably thinks otherwise. I am explaining to you what the difference is. Hitler didn't give a damn about unalienable rights for everyone, collectivism doesn't work well with that. Trump lowered taxes since he got in. His goal is to eliminate income tax. Was the situation of the country his fault? Did he create the Fed? Did he put the country in debt? You could still have social programs and some kind of safety net, not true capitalism yes doesn't mean you're a socialist though. Socialists don't believe in individual rights at all. If you want to live in a country where the good of the people comes before your individual rights, go right ahead. China is doing great economically, they don't give a shit about individual rights, they run their country much like Hitler now since socialism is a dumb flawed ideology that will never work economically, go see how you like it there, ask the people. America is founded on the idea of unalienable rights, I like that idea. Go do fascism somewhere else.

hunterhiden 1 point ago +1 / -0

They know we'll want to arrest him quick before they kill him, so I'm thinking he's dead before even making it to the prison perimeter.

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