Seriously, I remember counting down the days till the election would be recalled, it was always JUST A FEW MORE DAYS. I'm losing hope. It's nearly 2024. The economy is in shambles, my family and I can barely afford to live, the country is falling apart (No matter where you are: canada and US and Europe)... there seems to be no hope in sight any more?
Does ANYONE have any hope left? I'm losing it.
Someone must have planted and distributed them to cause civil unrest.
That's it.
I went to 711, here in Canada it's Slurpee day or something.
I couldn't help noticing all the rainbows on all the posts then I saw a sign that read "all flavors welcome" with the rainbow as well.
So... you can't even get a Slurpee OUTSIDE OF PRIDE month without being bombarded by Pride.
I went to the till with my daughter where they are offering stickers TO KIDS of course.
She says "aww your daughter is so cute, would she like a sticker"
I looked down at the selection of Rainbow and "all flavors welcome" stickers.
I said (catching myself off guard) "No, I'm not interested in all this pride crap. Would she like a sticker... OF COURSE. But not this one. I won't allow it."
The woman looked both disappointed but not surprised. Clearly this had already happened today, and the large stack of stickers on the counter indicated they were hoping to hand them out to every kid coming through the door, but were not successful in their efforts.
I will speak up more. If you don't have a non-pride coffee cup to serve me with, or bag or whatever, I'll be taking my business elsewhere.
I have a theory that the trump arrest is a facade that has expanded the overton window of the public to allow for the arrest of a politician to compute in their minds. For a few days they'll HAHA trump was the first pres elected. Then, when the real arrests start it won't seem so strange, and they'll be more able to accept and wakeup.
Just a theory, but after seeing his motorcade there is no way that man is not projected to win for a third time. No fucking way. He may even still be president
That's all... discuss!