jlmart9 0 points ago +1 / -1

There's a massive lag in death certificate reporting. Average deaths are not down, they are up substantially, by 360,000.

But you can't look at deaths through November, and compare that to years past, because the reporting lag is as much as six months - though most have been reported within 3.

And it's not simply an American phenomenon. It's happening in every state in the country, but also every country in the world. I mean, this is so stupidly obvious, so indisputable, it really is astonishing this is a point of debate.

jlmart9 0 points ago +1 / -1

I don't want any news on TV, it is all garbage. I wouldn't be caught dead watching CNN, it is absolute trash.

My best friend's aunt died. 73 years old, perfectly healthy, no real comorbities except being relatively old. Another friend's grandma died, 88 years old. Another friend-of-friend is in the hospital with oxygen saturation around 70%, 33 years old. Don't know his health situation.

There's no doubt unhealthy people are more in danger. But the vast majority would not have died except for Covid. There are 360,000 excess deaths so far this year. That's not normal, not something that just happens. Deaths are highly predictable in aggregate.

It's not the plague, indeed, something like 99.2% will survive. It's currently estimated that about 20% of America has contracted the virus. The overwhelming majority are fine, but 300,000 are dead.

jlmart9 0 points ago +1 / -1

That's not the way it works. 0.2% is two tenths of one percent. 0.2 is 20%. There is a difference.

So in your mind, the entire world has stopped travel, severely interrupted their economies, implemented various forms of lockdowns, because what?

Why is it that every state in the US, whether South Dakota, Idaho, Texas, are all reporting these deaths? Why do we see it in Belgium and Argentina and Ecuador and India and Mexico and Iraq and Iran and Russia and Peru and South Africa and Israel?

You think every doctor around the country is mislabeling death certificates to get money? What about all those other countries? Is this a global conspiracy? Every doctor around the globe, hundreds of thousands, all embarking on a mission to fake Covid deaths?

Why are the Republican governors of North Dakota and South Dakota faking these deaths and one of the worst outbreaks in the country? Why is Trump pushing a vaccine? Why is Trump spending tens of billions on vaccine development, and now pushing vaccine outreach?

I just can't for the life of me understand how Covid has become political, or people somehow don't believe in it. My best friend's aunt died of it. My other friend's grandmother died of it. Another friend-of-friend is in the hospital. I assure you, this is not something normal for a flu season, where I personally hear about a bunch of people dying.

No one in my immediate family has died, but it's plainly obvious this is a major contagious event. Trump himself was in the hospital over it.

jlmart9 -5 points ago +1 / -6

It's almost like there's a world outside the United States.

jlmart9 -1 points ago +1 / -2

No, two tenths of one percent. 0.2%, not 0.2. In other words, 1 out of every 500 people in New Jersey has died of Covid.

jlmart9 -22 points ago +3 / -25

1 - it doesn't have a 99.9% survival rate. Over 0.2% of New Jersey is already dead.

It has about a 99.2% survival rate overall, but 85% for old people.

Measles has a 99.8% survival rate. Mumps has a 99.99% survival rate. Rubella has a 99.95% survival rate.

If you don't vaccinate for these things, pretty soon these risks add up to a substantial risk of dying from an entirely preventable disease.

Why on earth would you want to get sick, even a cold, if it's easily preventable?