I was messing about with a few things around Super Bowl - strange mentions out of place...... and pieced it together with a few things... accidental copy paste and possible theory.... of a time line here....

I believe some drops are broken up into info to look into - and other bits are a timeline off the delta - you can't just read it vanilla.....

Super bowl > puppy show


Super Bowl (winners)?

Puppy (sex_urban dic)?


(a puppy is a adolescent boy for sex)

20-FEB-2019 (WED) 2843 20-Feb-2019 9:57:03 PM EST Q !!mG7VJxZNCI

The fun begins directly after.

Will make the Super Bowl look like a puppy show.



February 2021 SU MO TU WE TH FR SA 31 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 1 2 3 4 5 6

strange.... these dates just flew in there from a copy past

February 2021















7 ->super bowl


9 ->puppy show (impeachment)






15[Next week]







22[Next week]







1[Next week]






Suicide weekend?

[Next week] [Next week] Next week] [Suicide weekend] ?



If you go and read back through the Q posts from the very last one working though them .... you find a few interesting things....

A.) He mentions Biden as President.... so I am not quite sure why that was such a surprise.

B.) He mentions the Super Bowl a few times.

C.) The deltas for Feb and March are very telling.

I think we're still good - go read it all and interpret yourself.

shame some of the twitter accounts have been suspended - might be more to glean if those are backed up.


I assume from the resignation of PA SoS Boockvar, Bezos stepping aside announcement, various other resignations - that they are being told to step down or else - as that game rolls - they will have to make public confessions (probably on condition of getting a light sentence (or non custodial sentence) - verbal blabla - then the public will be outraged and the real trials will start.

Xiden on TV making a public announcement that the election was a fraud - WTF can anyone say about that ?

Harris in tears with hubby holding her hand stepping down !

That's the game here.....



anyone else notice a certain country that just had election problems missing from the Q lists 135 to 138 ?

Macao: Monetary Authority of Macao

Macedonia: National Bank of the Republic of Macedonia

Madagascar: Central Bank of Madagascar

Malawi: Reserve Bank of Malawi

Malaysia: Central Bank of Malaysia

Mali: Central Bank of West African States (BCEAO)

Malta: Central Bank of Malta

Mauritius: Bank of Mauritius

Mexico: Bank of Mexico

Moldova: National Bank of Moldova

Mongolia: Bank of Mongolia

Montenegro: Central Bank of Montenegro

Morocco: Bank of Morocco

Mozambique: Bank of Mozambique


how about a shared google document - google not the preferred service - but how about a wiki type page - or several pages we can work on in concert to compile information into a concise finished format ?

we need to be able to upload images, PDFs, links are good but websites can go offline, we need a depository and some wiki pages...

cross references.... good info and summaries etc - cross checked to keep the BS out of it.

is your server secure - could it be taken down if Amazon doesn't like you ?

is there a mirror somewhere ?

you can turn this site into a reference resource as much as a forum - and it can be checked through so the BS doesn't creep in !


A little note to all the fanatics out there.

It's not good enough to take on a point of view and castigate anyone that disagrees with you - how does that make you any better than the mad lefties ?

You say that children are tortured to harvest adrenochrome - some videos tout 800k missing children per year - which is actually the missing child reports filed - before 99% of them are later found alive and well.... This is an example of pure BS that doesn't help that narrative at all. Are these just clowns or are they working for the other team and deliberately fouling the narrative ?

This is not a religion - it's not a belief system - it's supposed to be some investigation and intelligence gathering - where are the proofs, where are the cross references ?

Q started in 2017, nearly 4 years ago now....

How many thousands of people and how many millions of hours have been spent pouring over stuff on the internet instead of doing some leg work and actually investigating some of the suspects ?

Anyone ever thought to trail a few of the prime suspects like a private detective would ? That would mean actually making some effort rather than sitting glued to a never ending Tom Clancy novel online...

You say you wanna wake up people - GREAT AWAKENING....

It's not dungeons and dragons, it's not imaginary - it requires proofs, documentation, hard evidence, cross references and actual MATTER OF FACT ! and it requires some calm intelligence and some debate - the purpose of putting an idea forward is not to get a punch on the nose because some insecure bully who has nothing to back himself up with feels the pinch.....

the purpose of debate is for all parties to become more informed....

there is so much misinformation out there and as soon there's over impressive, sensationalistic data being thrown about - and as soon as there's bad attitude being used to avoid a real debate - you can be sure it's a load of rubbish....



NWO bankers gonna show every worm trader what happens when you get too noisy...

next stop $17.50


here is it folks - this is what they are doing....


If the vax doesn't actually stop the virus - for example small pox - is eradicated - (arguably was dying out long before the vax - but that's another story) - the vax clearly helped to eradicate small pox which no longer exists. But now there is barely a need for a small pox vaccine - they did themselves out of a business.

But what if the vax just prevents symptoms and makes the virus more mild... ?

This gives the virus the perfect breeding ground - it effectively becomes part of the organism.

Anyone that doesn't have the vax can easily catch a lethal virus from the vaccinated.


It will be hard to blow out the silver market on paper as they can just hammer in unlimited paper shorts to hold the price down.

However one place to start is the SLV ETF as they have to (in theory) order the physical silver for the fund - but this can be rigged on paper.

The place that will blow out the silver market is the physical, but it's no good buying a few ounces at a massive spread.

The way to buy physical silver is with futures contracts which are legally for delivery -

HOWEVER - most retail brokers - even IB which is semi professional will not allow you to take delivery - rigged at all ?

So you need a pro futures Broker - Dorman, Advantage Futures, Wedbush, GAIN, FC STONE, there quite a number of them that the pro hedge funds use. You buy a contract on the front month and hold it for delivery.

You can buy on margin to start with but you will need 5000 ounces for delivery X the price of the silver +/- the P/L on the futures contract. So at $30/oz it's $150k cash to take delivery.

This is the only real way to blow out the silver market. They don't have stocks in the COMEX warehouse, so taking delivery will blow the market apart, but it's not a game for $5000 accounts on Robinhood.

We could band together and buy physical and then distribute in small blocks to anyone who wants to buy a smaller amount. That would need some system, escrow, website etc. to gather up the orders. (Not for profit for rebellion :-)


Chris Cornell : May 18, 2017

Chester Bennington : July 20, 2017

Anthony Bourdain : June 8, 2018

The first 3 died in hotel rooms or at home from hanging themselves.... kind of strange for well known, relatively wealthy celebrities with a lively on going career, family friends etc.

Yes it does happen but it's generally when the celeb has hit a rough patch, is heavily on drugs, off the road, in a spin... none of that is the case for these guys or Avicii below....

Avicii died : 20 April 2018

He was found in a hotel room apparently stabbed himself to death with a broken wine bottle - what a strange way to top yourself....

Could it be as a DJ, that's used to stay up all night that perhaps the person that came to dispose of him ran into him wide awake a 4am and a struggle ensued ?

Were they really working on a doc about child smuggling ?

Avicii has a music video with that subject - well produced and acted out...

Chris Cornell also has some rather pointed lyrics...

I have no idea about the others, but it certainly smells like something strange went on here with these 4.


I've had meetings with a billionaire investor to buy out a bankrupt private bank a few years ago.

We've been in the secure data rooms of the banks to inspect their books and see all the non performing loans.

Banking is a shell game - it's total BS. They are all broken, corrupted and bankrupt - running on thin air and BS.

Let's say I put $1M in cash into an account, the bank will lend out $10M against it to their other customers, it's just a game of balancing a little bit of cash on hand and writing huge loans against it.

It's just a ledger game - a confidence trickster game.

Your credit card, car loan, mortgage, business loan etc - that money never existed - it is effectively your money in the first place.

They gauge your productivity and allocate you funds - credit card 10k limit - you get a pay rise you pay the card well, you send in salary slips - they check your credit rating they'll give you a 20k limit, but the money doesn't exist, it's your money - the bank doesn't have any actual money behind what they allocate you. It's hard to get a head around until you think of a ledger from their side.

You want to buy a house, or a car or start a business - they gauge their risk and allocate you cash in an account - but the cash doesn't come from anywhere - it's not like they have depositors that match the amount of money they are lending out.

Some small banks and credit unions and local well run banks - balance it more or less 1 to 1... but most of the big guys, your JPM, Barclays, Wells Fargo, HSBC etc. - not at all.... It's 10 or 20 to 1 - or more.

So you ask for a 50k personal loan to start a business - there is no cash there - they just dial up a ledger and plonk the numbers in your account and on the bank side of their balance sheet they call that 50k an asset because you owe it back to them- but it never existed in the first place.

All they have to do is balance the amount of loans they write against a 5-10% buffer of cash on hand and bingo - from $100M of depositor cash, they have $2B in loans on the books - cash dished out (mainly to their masonic friends)... so long as the loans don't fail all at once enmass they are fine....... even when they fail, they just park them and leave on the books as an asset..... a debt that is owed to the bank is effectively a bank asset.... whether the money ever shows up again is another matter....

Credit cards are even worse - they gather nice 10-20%pa interests, but they blow up all the time. They know there will be frauds and cards that get shredded to max balance and the card holder disappears, it's all part of the shell game - it's still an asset until they write it off - which they almost never do.....

When they get tight, the central bank writes out more cash for them and refinances them.

It's a BS game.

There's loads of videos on youtube about if it you care to dig about.

and you and me and everyone else sit there thinking that these banks have all this money in them - they ain't got a dime.

i went into a major bank in a financial center - think wall st. to make a withdrawl - for a business matter that needed urgent funding - i needed like 50k in a hurry.... it was easier to pull cash and move it immediately..... and the bank had on hand $75k - cash - that was it ! on a busy Thursday afternoon - that was all they had there.... the cashier took me into the back room to collect the funds and I saw the ledger and she was worried they'd run out of cash cos of my 'large' transaction...



It was all good to go in about 2005-6 - why didn't they bang on with it ?

In a similar vein - Obama had a pandemic in 2009 Swine Flu ? Why didn't they bang a covid type lockdown then ?


There's so many ppl hammering out crap on telegram - it makes you wonder who exactly is making a profession out of this ?

CIA ? NSA ? MI5 ? Who has the time of day and more importantly the endurance and determination to pump this stuff out - a lot of it is a bit off the mark ... and alot of it spoils the real Q narrative.

Who has the time of day to pump these drops 24.7 ?

What are they in it for ? Some are trolling for bitcoin donations, but many are just hammering crap - it's clearly a pro operation of disinfo.

Too much fantastical stuff that's not even fit for a movie plot....

We need to get a grip and focus and look at hard reality - proofs and verifiable data and dig - not just spin wheels in the mud for an insane movie plot.

WE NEED to move this whole thing in a positive intelligent direction - jokes and memes are good - but there's too much emotion and too much hysterical noise going on.

The best way to hide a conspiracy is to dump fantastic crazy over blown ideas over the top of the real narrative, until you can't see the wood for the trees and you are forced back to the MSM that whilst kinda BS - actually tries to make a little sense, even if it's fantasy, it's comfortable for many people. See 9/11 - the truth never came out there because it went into alien lizardmen with energy weapons - so we couldn't ever discuss - that perhaps they just rigged a demo job 2 months prior and someone hit the button.....

Not everyone has the time of day to analyze every fine detail and sift out the actual truth from the conspiracy lies that paper over the actual conspiracies.

And not to doom or anything - all due respect, but every good operative has a fall back plan - come let's say 10th April - Biden is still banging away and nothing is happening and Trump is surfacing for a run at 2024 - he's clearly manufactured opposition at that point.... just a lot of hot air for nothing to keep people on hold - same thing happened in the UK - not to doom - but come April - if nothing is happening you gonna crawl off and STFU while everyone points a finger at you as a Q nut - or is this movement gonna coalesce into something more of a stable narrative ?

We can't have BS - fake WH - Biden greenscreen - they use it sometimes, but there's nothing to properly indicate he's not in the real WH - why wouldn't he be ? There's a clutching a straws attitude here that grabs anything and everything and goes silly with it and that combined with conspiracy lies throws the whole thing off....

is this for real ?


cos if it is he's gone Turbo Q

BUY BITCOIN (www.zerohedge.com)
posted ago by jojoQ1 ago by jojoQ1

France is only permitting travel between EU countries and only 'essential' and only if you submit to testing at the border.

Correct me if I am wrong here, but this will NOT change.

They will keep it running until end of March and come April / May - the vaccine passport will be rolled out and you won't be able to travel unless you have the shot and the app.

UK is doing the exact same thing (two major Rothschild enclaves).

This doesn't look like it's going to change.

You'd have to believe in some huge turn around here and even then - by the end of next week UK will have reached to 25% of its entire population vaccinated.

The US is much larger obviously and more relaxed with these things.... but slowly slowly - just as chip and pin sim card ATM cards were rolled out - so too - after a while the US will have it all too....

It looks really bad - Trump or no Trump !

What would be more frightening than some dark conspiracy - or some complex Q plot to untangle humanity from such a thing - is no one in charge of anything at all....

Just a random mess of various players and their various designs and aims entangled with each other and the public at large.

Then the result we get would be a sum total of everyone involved. Everyone's fears and hopes all mixed up into a giant quantum stew....

Are you awake yet ?

Your very thoughts and prayers (and fears) could be contributing directly to the outcome of the next few years.

Be careful what you wish for ! You just might get it.


It's well known and openly admitted and lawsuits have been won about manipulation in the precious metals markets.

The low side of the Gold to Silver ratio is about 100 to 1

The high side in history was 10 to 1

So if Gold inches up to $2500 oz... that puts Silver at $250

currently $27 - that might sound mad - until you think into the performance in many other assets, Tesla, Cryptos etc.

JPM, Barclays and all the spooks have gone out of their way to crush silver prices for decades - this is one way we can beat them.

Silver futures are a small market place - we can easily squeeze them out there.....

The Hunt Brothers did it in the 70s but they didn't have the viral power we have.... to get the masses behind them.


EM has his tongue right up big Govts NWO crack

He built a banking platform - paypal - that would have been dead in the water for licenses and audits if you or me had built it- but magically VISA and Mastercard just went smoothly right along with it - and even Ebay somehow couldn't beat paypal and had to buy it instead of starting their own payment system on their own platform where all the users are - sorry doesn't stack up.

He built a car company on hot air that relied entirely on Govt credits, post 2008 and the whole green revolution BS that relies on charging cars from coal and Nat Gas fired power stations.... was pushed through as part of the 2008 car bailouts..... fishy. as F...

And he built a rocket company that entirely relies on big govt handouts - he's basically bought NASA in the same way that Carlos Slim bought the Mexican telephone networks... a few nods in the right direction and a few back handers.... He just likes to play the rebel celeb - but he's straight outta South Africa - de Beers anyone ?

Who knows who had a hand in backing him and what favors he owes back to the Rothchilds and Rockefellers..... do some digging about.....

He's the poster child for self made man - just as Bill Gates was in the early 90s. He also just conveniently happens to own all the protein MRNA printing machines that make the Moderna Gene Therapy - ahem - sorry I mean vaccine. There's so much more you can get into. The starlink is for sure CIA funded - it can be the means to lock down and monitor everyone on the planet. It's not a friendly project let's say.

And how come the guy just always happens to be with his tongue up the right crack at every turn....?

if you had to bet on the third antichrist the one that really fools everyone with his lucky charm - EM is the place to start....

and let's check out his weird satanic GF - Grimes that put out this music video 4 months before the pandemic started pillow talk anyone ?

SEPT 2019 - WTF !!!!!


and then in March 2020 the panic "making of video" only 5 months late - doh ! - that all goes smooth for 5 minutes until the masks come up and there's a kinda writhing excusing of the masks - huh - some handler got ticked off about that little leak....

learn to read between the lines - this is actually probably the biggest thing of the whole 2020 !!!! bigger than Q


Musk is bad news - big bad news.... BUSTED !

Look at the video - you wanna talk about Satanists and Ritual Blood Sacrifices - could it be any clearer ! And who FT does a girl with a lisp that can barely talk properly manage to get so famous outta no where ? a few rituals perhaps ? hmmmmm

look at this - this has had black arts witchery on it to draw your attention to it... you feel strangely sucked into it.


Great Awakening - no excuses !

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