Why does Q never mention Rockefeller ?

The Rothschilds are always the big bogeymen, but the Rockefellers are both their partners in crime and their arch enemies.

I find it suspicious that Rockefeller is never mentioned.

The Rothschilds are always the convenient scapegoat whenever 'evil bankers' are required and no one looks into the Rockefellers !

Rockefellers funded a huge amount of big pharma and all kinds of other evil doing.


Got some interesting info here....


Executive orders coming to ban guns around Federal Lands

So then guns can be confiscated because you are too close to certain areas....

When do these get signed ?

They make the Trump impeachment - and another false flag riot in DC - and then in the outrage out come the EO gun mandates.

Speculation for the moment, but now we see why all the troops in DC and why the impeachment fuss continues.

Question is whether someone is gonna fkg do something about this or if we need to do it ourselves.

Here is a Giggle for you ! (media.greatawakening.win)
posted ago by jojoQ1 ago by jojoQ1

Let's demolish the WEF on Twitter


just hit everything they put up there with responses....

hit their youtube channel as well....


We don't need these armchair communists spouting nonsense from their lavish Geneva Lake front compound....

They want people to eat weeds and insects and own nothing to "save the planet"

They want your humble home to be used for business meetings while you are on vacation - but they swan about in private jets and build huge and VERY PRIVATE installations.

Hob nob with royalty, politicians and billionaires and set agendas FOR PROFIT - not for anyone's benefit.

Like all do gooder commie types, they are not even smart or well informed - probably spent too much of their funding money on fois gras and caviar... rather than research analysts.


We can beat these clowns at their own game without even breaking a sweat.

They are few (and stupid)

We are many and unstoppable.



I've followed the US markets since the dotcom bubble. I have qualifications, I've traded for funds - yada yada - etc. I've never seen a market as unstable or illiquid as today... I'm talking NQ and ES futures.

One thing that they are waiting for is the mkts to absolutely shit tank - that way - Trump takes no blame...

Since he came in it's been a one way trip higher and there's no way that Biden, Yellen and Harris have the smarts to deal with a crashing market 1929 style, which is what is coming.... Nothing Can Stop What is Coming.... there's something that no one can stop right there !

Add to that the 3 Gorges Dam "collapsing" - perhaps with a gentle push from here or there... 15% of the entire worlds manufacturing capacity offline - that would MAGA - wouldn't it... a few years of mess - but no one is building anything in China for a long long time.... meanwhile it all comes back into the US - Nothing could stop that once it's in motion....

Take a look at a map where it is.... March April time when the melt starts, pop goes the weazle...

That said - I mean if there's really all these dossiers and files and etc. - why wait ?

But perhaps the sad lefty clowns will serve their purpose as bagmen (or should I say bagthings) and patsies for the ruination of communism once and for all.

One thing I don't really understand is why all the heros like Rudi and Sidney and various others sat on Telegram pumping out garbage all day, it really diminishes them in so many respects.

It's almost impossible to believe that anything will happen - but something tells me by March April - the world will be a totally different place.

Think into a couple of things here....

Aside from busting the corruption, evil and fraud - which is a nice thing... just imagine the money involved in taking them all down !

Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, Google, - this is billions and billions of $$$$ - trillions....

and owning and rebuilding the new companies that replace them - even more !!!!!

and punishing Chyna for their horrid virus..... more billions - trillions...

and suddenly the PR of the USA - being a clean country, corruption rooted out - imagine the investments - and the high end immigrants and the money that will pour into the country... wow!!!!

I'd love to think that all these wrongs are righted..... the Q narrative makes so much sense and it's just what the world needed.... amazing - wouldn't it be nice if the good guys win for once......

but now we have :

Yellen - Bidens' Tres. Sec - Obama's Fed Chair - has been talking with German finance minster...

Bidens' Sec. of State - can't be bothered to look the name up - has been talking with the UK counter part...

It doesn't seem like a fake inaug. does it now ?

This is gonna look ridiculous if it's all turned over...

It's gone too far.... perception and possession is 90% of it and Biden is in - his staff are working away.... it's all online and happening - say what you want - it's passing the point of no return.

They stuck it in our faces - they even openly communicated that it was a fraud election - and they carried on regardless, complete with the weird fakey inaug.

Staff have been appointed, the Sec. Def Miller the big red patriot is gone, Mnuchin who pretty cool is gone, Pompeo is gone.... Kayleigh Mcenany has gone to work for FOX....

It just seems like more of the same rigged game....

Maxwell docs are worthless since the investigators would have known exactly what was in the them long ago... .arrests should have been made - that's some media smoke if they bother to cover it....

The big Declass - has come to not much.....

I just don't see - blind faith helps no one....

Nothing Can Stop What is Coming - is you - me - and everyone else that is awake - if we get off the sofa and stop talking about pop corn and waiting for a grand plan - figure out how to take back your town and local area... nothing can stop that !

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