Wrong is wrong and if you learned anything from Q it was to question things. I think you should start with Adam and Eve
The word hell does not appear in the Greek New Testament; instead one of three words is used: the Greek words Tartarus or Hades, or the Hebrew word Gehinnom. In the Septuagint and New Testament the authors used the Greek term Hades for the Hebrew Sheol, but often with Jewish rather than Greek concepts in mind.
The word hell is not but for further education hell means a place without God! Which is earth!
Me telling people to look for God is Satan ? Or Satan blinded you through religion. I’ll pray for you as well
You didn’t answer my questions my very valid questions. You believe in corruption but not of religion? That we couldn’t even have unless a high priests gave us 500 years after ?! Some truths are hard this is one for you. I think you should look into how easily that could be corrupted.
Who are you to say when they are better? Or worth saving?
I know what Cannon is and I’m also not blind and know that they left out books of the Bible that ties all religions together. And when you do the research on them they almost all have the same story! So my suggestion to everyone was to look into finding God not who’s a dirty politician. That’s the true awakening!
Whoa you should do some research on the Bible ..... people who are blindly trusting is our problem correct ?! That’s religion also.... so you should look to the Bible and see what some believe is never even mentioned in it! Hell being one! Also explain to me how Adam and Eve had 3 sons but populated the world with different bloodlines. You should dig into the truth about God which was my post! Happy hunting
Evil/good love/hate yin and yang
The original truth wasn’t written in Latin.....
God is ok to judge NOT us
Where is it mentioned in the Bible? I’ll wait .....
Also show me hell in the Bible which is what I was questioning. Let me help you it isn’t there
I never said the Bible was completely false but you do need to question it as it also says in the Bible to do. However name calling because I was sharing a thought isn’t very Christian or loving so who are you following? Because both the Bible and Q preach LOVE....
I have found the most judgmental people are Christians. I was Catholic. I am not a hippy but why on here do I always see people waiting for judgement not waiting for us all to live in peace? That’s the opposite of what this movement is! I also notice on this site people call people names for thinking for themselves which is also what the movement is not to blindly follow who the Q world says is ok!
Aren’t we trying to be better? I’m not saying not punish them but begging for public hangings might not be the best.
So let me understand you.... you believe in the Corruption of the world by an elite group, But not in the corruption of the Bible which was written by man 500 years after Jesus’s death and not able to be owned by us until 1539 after his death? Also translated in different languages and Dialects.
Hell was from a Bible which is corrupt!
All of these harsh punishments are from religion taught to us through a corrupt group. I was Catholic and we know what the pope has done God is love.
Jesus and God are the same. And how can we love and be better while asking for more pain? Also God is to judge why do we think we should? Sometimes when you understand the whole story of someone you understand how they ended up somewhere. Only God knows their whole story.
It was Pfizer
I have learned not to be rude to anyone. I don’t know why people on this site are not particularly nice. No one knows anything it’s all speculation until .... I was asking what people’s thoughts are on this move in particular, but thank you.
The earth opened her mouth sounds to be like a race underground that hurts children.....