kingofkings1776 10 points ago +10 / -0

At the Valdosta rally, he emphasized Q-cumbers: https://youtu.be/8slXvwksK9s

kingofkings1776 1 point ago +1 / -0

Baptism by fire? Armageddon? Nuclear winter? Come on, I’m dying to know. Help me out here.

kingofkings1776 5 points ago +5 / -0

I’m not sure exactly what all they were communicating, but I do know when I read that article back in mid-October, I knew they were at the very least signaling that the state courts were all highly infiltrated. I’m sure there is much more to it.

We do know many of those seemingly random “news” pieces leading up to the election were not random in the slightest. It’s just very difficult putting all the pieces together with no hindsight, although a lot of those comms were pretty obvious.