Movies are scripted and actors are given lines in order to move the plot line along. Do you not see the MOCKINGBIRD media regurgitate the exact same messages word for word? Do you not see politicians regurgitate the exact same phrases and narratives in oder to push an agenda forward?CVID? Worldwide script and narrative. If you have not seen this yet, especially after being exposed to all the extraordinary and top notch research provided by these fine ladies and gentlemen on this site, you are both naive and ignorant. Your ignorance is their power. "My people are destroyed because of a lack of knowledge." You seem like the type of person who uses a headline as your research. There are really kids being tortured, raped and killed in this movie. This is not a joke and it is very sobering and serious. If you have not seen the glitches in the matrix yet, then spend a little more time putting in the work before you open your mouth and look like a dumbass! This is a movie because the enemy has a plan and it is scripted. People will be harmed in the making of this movie, that is their goal and it is their agenda.Global depopulation! Do you really feel abandoned and all alone, apparently you do not recognize that we are apart of the greater majority of this country that believes in compassion, human decency and a greater societal effort to have governing laws that should hold these people accountable. We know the future they want and can telegraph their moves before they happen because it is scripted!
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I am enjoying watching the majority of people who never in their life would have cared about politics but are being rudely awakened with a suppository of tyranny. Shut up and take it buddy! Look here we even supplied a barrel to bend over for your convenience.