So for pedes that don't know Canadian politics. Instead of republican / democrat, Canada has liberals (biggest commie party and now forming minority government), NDP (smaller, but crazy commies that even Canadians don't trust to form government), the Bloq (Quebec separatist party that is very happy to align with foreign globalist powers), and the conservatives.

Everyone that would be to the right of Castro would stack up in the conservative party. The problem is that the conservative party leadership, for years, have been a bunch of judas goats. The CPC (conservative but in short form) often fail in their attempts to get elected and even when they are successful, they have failed to demonstrate courage to actually push and assert the people's rights.

Then we get Max. Maxime Bernier. Mad Max. The only politician on the national stage that has the courage to say what is real. He ran for the conservative leadership and surprise, surprise, leadership tilted the board making sure that Max could not win.

So Max founded the PPC. The PPC surged during this election even though everyone knew they were not going to take any seats this time around. So, Canada! Up and at em boys and girls! DRAFT Maxime Bernier into the CPC.

Pedes, if you are in Canada;

  • Join the CPC
  • Get involved in your EDA (electoral district association, basic local political organization. Each party could have 1 EDA per riding. In practice you will find very few EDA's because there are so few Canadians that want anything to do with their political parties. Which means pedes can go in there any take over at the local level!)
  • Demand O'tool's resignation. He done fucked up. Get him gone!
  • Draft Max! Draft Max! When you are in the CPC make it well known that you want Max and fight the party gatekeepers for every inch.
  • Bait Castro into calling a bad confidence vote.
  • Make Maxime Bernier Prime Minister of Canada!

Meme magic needed! Meme makers! Please help! Pictures of Maxime Bernier and the messages to draft him to CPC and/or elect him to PM (Prime Minister)

Fuck Trudeau (media.greatawakening.win)
posted ago by krypt0 ago by krypt0

It happened. Today I got the vax mandate.

I’m praying for the courage to do what must be done and the wisdom to do it well.


I saw a news report about the Chinese wanting to gain narrative control and had an ah hah moment, that our info warriors may also benefit from.

We had narrative control. We are either losing or have lost narrative control depending on your definition of “we” and success criteria.

The best example of narrative control is 911. Believe it or not, I don’t give a shit, the information operations around 911 truth were very revealing.

During the event on 911 the narrative was planted into the media with a “man in the street” interview and then pushed by media and repeated ad nausea until everyone believed it. There were some people that did not believe it, and the Overton Window was closed ever so slightly, to exclude and marginalize the disbelievers.

Narrative domination was used to ensure all legitimate concern regarding 911 was ridiculed while narrative control was enforced by senior influential people in relevant institutions. Who has more credibility? Popular mechanics Magazine? Or licensed, practicing architects and engineers? Depends, who has narrative domination and which one of those is supporting the dominant or insurgent narrative.

We have had unquestioned narrative domination since the end of wwii. With 911 I think we lost it because, I am not part of any “we” that would commit that crime or try to cover it up. But, western governments still had narrative control. With China announcing their intentions, to gain narrative control .....

Ohhhhh and here is the ah hah

America thinks of full spectrum dominance as land, sea, air, digital and now space.

China has documented their understanding of full spectrum dominance to be military, diplomatic, economic.

What if China has been quietly working behind the scenes for decades, manipulative and corrupting our institutions?

Now that we know about adrenochrome, we can understand the nature of the blackmail that is held implicating our leaders.

Think of being a politician going to a party, no one tells you anything. You see kids. Those kids had some pretext to come up to you and you were photographed with them. Shaking hands, accepting a flower, whatever.

Later on, to your horror, the child is murdered on stage, with cheers from the crowd. Then they consume the adrenochrome. Doesn’t matter if you consume any or not. That photograph ties you to that child on the day that child went missing and was later found, dead. Don’t worry all those other rich and powerful people you saw at that event, they have alibis and since they know how to play ball, the photos of them with the child are never released.

What if it has been China all along? What if this a Chinese method of operation?

Bill: but but WHY!?!??!

Melinda: Bill! Your fucking evil! You want to blot out the sun!

What if ... (media.greatawakening.win)
posted ago by krypt0 ago by krypt0

No download, no personal information needed.

Go to this link https://ircnet.chat/#/connect

Provide a nickname.

Join #GAW


and we will see you there.


No download, no personal information needed.

Go to this link https://webchat.ircnet.net/

Provide a nickname.

Then you will be on the network.

type the command

/join #thedonald

and we will see you there.

Joe makes an effort (media.greatawakening.win)
posted ago by krypt0 ago by krypt0
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