mIGURUTO -10 points ago +1 / -11

More retard is the one that when unable to actually counter argument someone bans them because he has no balls, and then not only that but he is that retarded that he thinks he is actually banning "chinesse spies", fucking stupid cultist. If anything the one behaving like a Chinese cunt is you because you people are banning anyone for any type of dissentment, questioning or criticism to your stupid as religion.

mIGURUTO -25 points ago +2 / -27

More retard is the one that when unable to actually counter argument someone bans them because he has no balls, and then not only that but he is that retarded that he thinks he is actually banning "chinesse spies", fucking stupid cultist. If anything the one behaving like a Chinese cunt is you because you people are banning anyone for any type of dissentment, questioning or criticism to your stupid as religion.

mIGURUTO -7 points ago +1 / -8

Well jokes on you because I am not chinesse myself so your copy pasta is useless.

mIGURUTO -19 points ago +3 / -22

So why the chinesse messages?

mIGURUTO -30 points ago +2 / -32

screenshot before it gets removed and share the word, this community be as a whole a chinesse controlled cespool.