Of all people why do you think the military chose Donald Trump? His gigantic pair of balls? JFK jr connection? Him formerly being one of "them"?... Think I just answered my own questions


Just prompting a bit of discussion here, but does anyone think it's possible Trump might not have 100% won this? everything seems to be going our way as of late but i always get these intrusive thoughts. I guess it's probably cause i'm in Australia and our military is being deployed to "help the vaccine rollout". Fuck this shit is scary


If you were going to go down the 'Trump being Deep State' route, an increase in funding to the UN and Gates Foundation would be the least of my worries. Firstly I would be more concerned with his ties to Israel and Pompeo's vocal and paper support of Zionism. I would also be concerned with witness testimony of Trump on Epstein Island. I would be concerned with the Rockefeller/Rochschild connections. But above all those things I would be concerned with the Larry Fink/Blackrock connection. Blackrock is behind everything. So in all honesty, I wouldn't be concerned about a bit of 'funding' to anyone, as it's about tenth on the list 😂😂😂

Saying all that 👆once you dig in deep, know and see the playbook, and see all the other million things that tell you the opposite is happening including whoever is really running this narrative is accelerating the DS demise on purpose, then you realise what the truth is and that Trump has been fighting for us every step of the way.

I don't understand some of it. I still don't fully understand the vaccine promotion when he's not appearing in power, and I still don't understand why this isn't being shut down right now, now they are coming for the kids. But even though I don't know right now I'm putting it down to the 'it's actually none of my business' category and 'I'm not owed an explanation' category’


what's the best way to share it?

Something's brewing... (www.youtube.com)
posted ago by magayd45 ago by magayd45
Strange picture (media.greatawakening.win)
posted ago by magayd45 ago by magayd45

Throughout history the first person to be correct was always called crazy. Dave Chapelle said in an interview once "The worst thing to call somebody is crazy, it's dismissive. I don't understand this person, so they're crazy! That's bullshit. These people aren't crazy, they are strong people".

Noah was a conspiracy theorist until it started raining...


Please help us. Us gunless cucked faggots are completely fucked. Our military and police have turned against us and now they’re banning anyone who might report on it.

Nothing to see here (media.greatawakening.win)
posted ago by magayd45 ago by magayd45
I loved this video (www.bitchute.com)
posted ago by magayd45 ago by magayd45

Does anyone know of any real arguments Q might not be real? All I seem to hear is retarded shit like "Q's predictions have never come true" from cunts who don't even know what it is

? HOPIUM ALERT ? (media.greatawakening.win)
posted ago by magayd45 ago by magayd45

Because it's the autists that change the world, and make a real and lasting difference.

  • DJT
Hitler was right.. (www.bitchute.com)
posted ago by magayd45 ago by magayd45

Seeing that Danish soccer player collapse has made all this a lot more real for me. Yeah, i'm incredibly excited about a Trump return and being able to tell everyone I told you so, but holy shit this could get really scary. What actually happens if it turns out that all the people who've been vaccinated have max 3 years to live, shed spike proteins and will most likely become (even more) retarded in the meantime? Wonder if this is why the military conducted zombie apocalypse survival training..

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