The Voice of Q (www.youtube.com)
posted ago by magayd45 ago by magayd45

Operation Trust was a fake anti-Bolshevik resistance organisation that was basically used to pacify the public and weed out the guys fighting their takeover. Q very well could have been something similar to this. We were all convinced that Trump was going to go scorched earth on these assholes, and i'm sure they did too. They knew they were walking into some sort of trap and that's why they could only get some demented senile pedo to run, and not someone like Hillary. Biden's inauguration was fucked and they were all clearly terrified of some sort of action. If Trump went down this route the media would have just painted him out to be a dictator and all hell would have broken loose destroying America anyway. By walking away and letting the deep state actually steal the election there is nowhere for them to hide. Their illusion of power is about to disappear and the media is about to eat itself. It's fkn brilliant.

Orrrrrr it's a quantum computer, Trump is a time traveller, Jesus has saved us, the good guys win and the satanists are about to burn in a fiery lake of sulphur. Popcorn at the ready.


With the impending covid hoax collapse and the election fraud reveal heating up, soon they are going to have to come to terms with what's happening. What is the best way to warn loved ones of what is to come? We are entering uncharted territory. I don't want to scare them but I do want to prepare them for the gravity of the situation. Not going to lie, the I told you so moment is going to be pretty fun, so i've been envisioning a bunch of different scenarios (i'm sure we've all been lol). Would be pretty bad ass walking away from a conversation saying something like "The bad guys write the history books, right? Well what if I told you the bad guys have been winning this whole time.."

My balls are tingling (media.greatawakening.win)
posted ago by magayd45 ago by magayd45

What's the best stuff to post to get banned? Need to prove a point to my brainwashed mates that don't understand that FUCKING EVERYTHING IS BEING CENSORED FUCK


My faggot cuck brainwashed stepdad has decided het's getting the jab despite my mum and I trying to convince him not to. We live in Australia so covid is barely a thing over here, so it's pretty much just a massive "FUCK YOU" to us for being crazy conspiracy theorists. I said there's no way Biden could become president because it isn't possible to just steal a US election (lol), so now he disregards everything I say about anything. Do I continue to try to talk him out of it or do I just let the cunt die? I fucking hate the guy and I know my mum does too. Tbh If he died it would solve a lot of problems + would help me big time financially. Don't really know what I'm after here just kinda wanted to vent. If I let this bloke take the vax and he dies am I going to go to hell?

If you've got any informative and easily digestible anti-vax content for smooth-brain normies that would be great.. in case i decide to save this retard.


I've got a 1/3rd of my savings in physical gold and silver, 1/3rd in gold and silver shares and 1/3rd in crypto. Would like to hear what some of you guys are doing seeing as advice from anyone outside of these groups is pretty much useless. They have noooo idea how retarded shit is about to get


Have just made a bet with my mate that "something significant regarding the US election" will happen within the next month. If it doesn't I have to post a dick pic to facebook. Had about 10 beers in me at the time so went full retard "Qanon" psycho conspiracy freak. Please reassure me that I won't have to make my display picture my cock. These audits are definitely going ahead..... right?


I will never forget the look on those faggot's faces when they read what was inside (especially Jeb), but what the fuck was it? Trump's grand entrance (and exit) was the most alpha shit i've ever seen. I keep forgetting it happened, but whenever I go back rewatch the video it just seems like such an extremely significant moment. It had to be something YUGE. Any theories?


What I can't wrap my head around is Flynn's constant endorsement of Q and no one (but us) seem to care/notice. Why the flying fuck would GENERAL FUCKING FLYNN be saying shit like WWG1WGA if this was all a larp? Genuine question, does anyone have any theories?


What are the craziest conspiracy theories that you truly believe? Open to basically anything now these days


What investments should we be making for when shit really starts to go gown. I've currently got some shares in gold and silver companies, physical gold and silver as well as XRP.


Alex jones calling Q fake kinda freaks me out.


I want to post something on Patriots regarding this whole Evergreen situation but I know i'll get viciously attacked and probably banned or some shit. Is it because when they felt all hope was lost they wanted to believe Biden would be locked up on inauguration day and when it did come to fruition it caused them to turn into crazy lefty-like retards? Surely even they are looking at this Evergreen situation like something is up. Mossad boats, Barakas, HRC, Q mentioning Evergreen. Like come on... shits getting real weird and not just for the "Q-tards"

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