Making a $1000 bet with one of my mates regarding the election. We live in Australia and i'm ridiculed non stop for saying the election was rigged and there is a worldwide conspiracy to cover it up. Do we think it's safe for me to take the bet that "by Independence Day It will be acknowledged worldwide that there was a significant amount of election fraud"?


I don't intend for this to be a doomer post but i'm desperately in need of some hope/reassurance. I can't get through to my friends and family about the vaccine, can't convince them about how much trouble the world is in etc. It is really starting to get to me. I feel so depressed and alone and without this forum, as drastic as it sounds, I probably wouldn't still be here. At first Trump's silence didn't worry me but the longer this goes on the harder it is to keep the faith. I don't really know what i'm after here. Statements from Trump indicating that everything is still going to plan? Evidence that we are making progress? I really don't know. Anything my frens can provide would be greatly appreciated. God bless you all.


How long have you all been awake? It's been about 8-9 months for me since i've found out how fucked up and depraved the world truly is. I couldn't imagine what it must have been like for people who have known all this stuff since 9/11. How have you dealt with it? How has it effected your personal lives? Have there been any benefits? and lastly, how the flying fuck have you not offed yourselves? Because Christ almighty this has been a heavy burden to deal with alone. All my friends and family think i'm going nuts, it's forcing me to become a bit of a recluse, and it sucks complete ass.


Do we believe Trump will be hailed as the saviour of the free world or is this going to all be behind the scenes? He's gone through so much shit, I pray he gets all the praise he deserves.


What is up with those fucktards? I posted a video explaining how DC is a bit like the Vatican and how it's possible Trump is going to reclaim it and even the fucken mods were coming after me..They've legit got QDS (Q derangement syndrome)


What the fuck is going on there is literally footage of him molesting children and they're clapping for him? Shits fucked up


Anyone got any good Q videos? Hopium levels severely depleted after spending an hour on TDW. Don't know what to believe or feel anymore.


Was losing hope before this site saved me. Need to know what the general consensus is around the United States at the moment, Trump or Biden? I've followed the election for almost a year now from the other side of the world and cannot fathom the fact that there are real life human beings that actually want Biden to win. Really need some hopium here.. we got this?


I've heard from plenty of people that Q has been debunked and has got a number of things wrong. I don't bother trying to argue the case as I don't know enough (fairly new here). Could these just be misinterpretations / a change in plan?


What does everyone think about this? I respect Alex Jones a lot so when he says stuff like this it does make me feel a bit uneasy.

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