Massive redpills incoming. This guy is pretty much the current face of the UFC. Wouldn't be surprised if Dana and Trump being friends had something to do with it lol
Does anyone have a theory on how Trump escapes the backlash from when the vaccines truth is exposed? It is starting to concern me how he hasn't said anything despite the public release of the Pfizer docs etc. I don't see how he can act like he didn't know any longer.
A part of me thinks Trump is going to go down with the sinking ship, sacrificing himself to take down the whole establishment.
This guy makes a pretty compelling argument for Trump being the Antichrist. Don't bash me for posting this, I think it's important we take all possibilities into account, you know, with Satan being the master of deception and all.
My take: Trump was definitely picked for the role of the Antichrist, but he's not going along with their plans.
Does anyone know how to save all the Q posts offline? Thanks in advance
It's going to be HISTORIC!
Planned long ago.
Within the next 21 days BIG BIG BIG HAPPENINGS are going to take place.
Any ideas what these happenings will be? Obviously the Russia Ukraine sitch is going to get more and more retarded but I'm feeling a Chinese invasion of Taiwan is imminent. I wonder if the normies will be able to pick up on the difference in MSM coverage of the Russia Ukraine conflict and how differently they cover China's invasion of Taiwan, seeing as all of Hollywood, sportsball and the MSM literally suck China's balls. I'm just scared somehow this is going to cover up the vaccine genocide/social credit score system and that the normies will never fully awaken to the true agenda. Feel like i'm losing my mind over here. WAKE THE FUCK UP RETARDS REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE