I want some timeline predictions. Autistic replies welcome. IMO we've got the scare event coming sometime in the next week, especially as Trump said to watch Taiwan after the Olympics and that he is "a great predictor of things". China is gonna invade Taiwan and Biden won't act, and his inaction will be the final nail in the coffin for his illegitimate presidency. Under the guise of WW3 the military will remove the belligerent occupiers and the world will be forced to see that we live in FUCKING CLOWN WORLD. If the normies don't wake up within the month i'll honestly cut my dick off, starting to lose faith in humanity. What u nerds sayin'?
Any theories as to why Trump didn't continue to harp on about this? The birth certificate that was provided was so obviously fake it was a joke. Maybe it was too early to start the culling of the deep state?
Where are you putting your money and why? I've currently got about 25% of my money in silver, 25% in XRP, 25% in DWAC, 5% in GME and some spare cash to throw into something else. What we thinking? CFVI? If Rumble manage to get Rogan it'll be operation moonville. Any advice would be greatly appreciated, bit of an investing noob
Where do you live and what's the current consensus regarding covid? I live in Perth, Western Australia and everyone here is still severely brainwashed with no end in sight. Our country is getting more and more authoritarian, especially my state which has a zero covid policy (alongside fucking Hong Kong and China) and it's getting kinda freaky, I even had a 7 man terror squad raid my house and arrest me for my posts online (charges dropped). I had to go for psychiatric assessments and everything and my father had to spend 4 days in a maximum security prison for not wearing a mask. Do you guys feel that the narrative will collapse soon in your country and do you believe it will have a ripple affect towards Australia? Surely when the esteemed sportsball celebrities start publicly addressing this fuckery the narrative has to change... right? Our media has blasted Covid fearporn 24/7 for the past 2 years and all the normies I know are completely lost, even my step father told me I need to seek help regarding my "beliefs" and that he thinks that I'm too far gone and there is no saving me. 99% of the people I know are vaxxed so it's impossible to even discuss the topic, forcing me to become a bit of a recluse. I have my good days and bad days. I was optimistic that my country might get through this but now I'm starting to believe we'll be one of the countries to completely fall apart now that our government is actively trying to implement digital identities. Our prime minister is balls deep in the WEF, so unless something changes soon I think we're done for. Is it possible for purebloods to get one way tickets out of here? I need to get to Texas or something ASAP. Sorry just need to vent, these concentration camps being built are freaking me the fuck out. I NEED SOME HOPIUM STAT Sincerely, A scared fren
Does anyone else feel like they're in a constant state of just... waiting? I'm in my early 20s, i'm in my final semester of a commerce degree which I hate (have to study online as I'm unvaxxed), I'm completely banned from society and my only current form of income is a government allowance I get for caring for my disabled grandfather as I can no longer work. I barely speak to my friends and family anymore as they're all vax cultists and I'm struggling to find a way to progress in life amidst all this uncertainty. What are you guys doing to cope with all this bullshit? I feel like I need to be using all this alone time to learn some new skills etc. but don't know where to start. Any advice would be greatly appreciated :)

It is fast approaching. I think we need to be accepting to the brainwashed retards and try console them when the truth is fully revealed. I went through a severe depression when I found out how evil the world truly was, and dealing with it all alone was pure hell. Yeah, these dipshits have treated us like shit over the years but I think one of the main purposes of Q was to create hardened soldiers like us to help stop the normies from their brains exploding. Fuck me I want to go on the offensive after all the shit we've taken, but rising above it, consoling them and treating them with love is exactly how God would want us to conduct ourselves. We were all under the satanic dream-spell once upon a time too. This is our chance to show how all along all we wanted was to help our friends and family, not just to be proven right. Soon they will be coming to us for answers and we need to be there for them, especially the parents who have basically sentenced their children to death. This will be our chance to finally unite and show the world that love truly does conquer all.
Luke 6:37 “Judge not, and you will not be judged; condemn not, and you will not be condemned; forgive, and you will be forgiven;