my father was sent to a maximum security prison filled with murderers, child molesters etc. for not wearing a mask despite having a medical exemption. remember that there are clearly no laws here anymore. if a cop tells you to do something, no matter how retarded, just do it. my dad went through HELL. he witnessed a suicide attempt, an inmate get beaten half to death and was kept in a 3x2m cell for 3 days. best part is i cant go visit because theres a big sign out the front saying that you can only enter if you show proof of vaccination. shits no joke. food shortages will be here within a couple weeks going by the news articles saying how we're out of adblue ( https://www.news.com.au/finance/economy/australian-economy/urea-adblue-shortage-australia-reveals-how-long-stocks-on-hand-will-last/news-story/92b51ab472235ccb4216c674cf3d8f73 ). stock up, stay safe and pray frens. its gonna be a bumpy ride

I have 3 young cousins that I adore and I know i'm going to be the one to look after them soon as their parents are fully jabbed and already unwell as it is. Their parents are against the vax but took it to keep their job, so they said. Today one of my cousins spent Christmas day inside because she was sick. When I asked what was wrong with her they just said oh she's just had a bad stomach ache the past couple days, only for my 6 year old cousins to blurt out NO MUM SHE WAS SICK SINCE SHE GOT THE COVID VACCINE. My heart sunk as they promised they would never vax the kids. I know a lot of us have been through a lot and i'm not down playing anyone else's problems but i've been going though some SERIOUS shit fighting this covid tyranny, like they tried to give me 13 years for "domestic terrorism" kind of shit (i live in australia) and all my family members know this. What do I do here? Do I confront them and make sure they don't give her the second? They aren't my kids but fucking hell I can't just sit by and watch my family members kill eachother. If you guys have any info that might convince them out of the second shot, any vax remedies, literally anything. just need some help :(
merry christmas americafags x
Has anyone else noticed how he keeps saying the Spanish Flu occurred in 1917 when it was actually 1918……. 😉
Norman_F_Dixon just got banned for the comment below as usual, Norman has done a deep dive and was trying to get an important message out, but a Karen and a mod who apparently have never heard of Jonathan Swift or sarcasm took umbrage and he got banned the link to the frankspeech.com video is real all the things Norman points out in the video are real norman believes something Q and something very important is going on at frankspeech and norman was trying to get us interested enough using the sarcasm to start watching the new news program on frankspeech to see if his analysis and hunch are correct. he comments enough about frankspeech material that this comment seems consistent with his past analysis watch the news program before reading Norman's sarcastic but accurate analysis. Newbies may be lost but the old hands should get all if not most of the references. the links at the end contain the background material that fleshes out his analysis. He put them there so that everyone could get up to speed on these issues as quickly as possible here is the link to the program (its in the comment as well). It may take a moment for the video to load... the audio only file comes up right away (it did for me when i checked the link... be patient and wait for the video). the segment to watch starts right at 5:00 minutes into the program https://frankspeech.com/video/mike-announces-new-broadcast-news-program-and-takes-your-calls and all that B stuff... does anyone remember back in May when that weird message showed up on the Q boards and it got taken down in a matter of minutes, but some guys got a screen shot of it anyone got that screen shot it was signed B i think Norman, as usual, is on to something norman's banned comment starts here If I were a Qtard and hung up on conspiracy theories and the whole symbolism will be their downfall mantra... which I am obviously not/not a Qtard and hung up on conspiracy theories and the whole symbolism will be their downfall mantra... but if I was I'd be shitting bricks, even though there are no outside Q comms, so everything else is just like it just like it has to be a coincidence. Right? So I was watching my favorite non-conspiracy anchor... You know my favorite non-conspiracy anchor. Brannon Howse. He always wears a handkerchief in his suit breast pocket. Gotta big B on it. Guess its for when he forgets his first name and needs a reminder. He's got this new show starting today on https://frankspeech.com . Its called World View Report. It was kinda Mike Lindell's idea too. They work together. It comes on at 6:00 PM Central Time. Anyway, last Thursday, 2 December, Brannon debuts this new show. Only a 15 minute sample. Wanted to show Mike the format. Well... shit my pants after that 15 minutes. It was like Brannon had gone full Qtard. You never go full Qtard. Here's a link to the show... https://frankspeech.com/video/mike-announces-new-broadcast-news-program-and-takes-your-calls The debut of the new show starts at the 5:00 minute mark to 19:30. Watch it first... then finish reading. The first story is about lock downs in Germany... I'm like, big deal, who cares, its Germany, whatever. Chancellor Merkel holds talks with her successor and 16 regional premiers. Crap... I said to myself, that's Qtard stuff. Merkel just meet with 17 guys. I immediately took off my aluminum foil cap that protects me from the Omicron variant. Good thing I keep up with the latest medical developments in the COVID epidemic. https://greatawakening.win/p/140c9RA59m/weve-identified-the-omicron--mor/ But I can't hear a thing when I wear that thing. While I'm doing that, wham, the first cutaway. I spit out my popcorn. Its this little gasthouse in some Burgbergburg in Germany. They got these two huge friggin blazing red umbrellas out front. Every Qtard knows about the Naval Flag code messaging right... https ://openclipart.org/image/2400px/svg_to_png/47929/signalflag-bravo.png A Two Bravo Naval Flag Code Signal... Batten down the hatches. It a full blown https://youtu.be/OWwOJlOI1nU alert. That's when I see it.
The name of the gasthouse. Carl Theodor. You know Karl Theodor. The Karl Theodor. Prince Elector & Count Palintine, Duke of Julich & Berg and... Prince Elector in Bavaria. Guy had a lot of jobs. Had a lot of bills I guess. Anyway, he was the guy. Dude! You know, the guy. The Guy! He's the guy who chased the Illuminati and the Freemasons out of Bavaria. So now I'm watching cause this Brannon guy is dropping some Qtard bigly. Then, shit, there she was herself. The Angela of Merkel. And what is she doing... https://i.ytimg.com/vi/UctZQhojTrY/hqdefault.jpg So by now I've got this major freak on and starting to sweat... And then I got the chills... And then I remember. Omicron. I start to put my aluminum hat back on and to calm the shit down. But before I get it all the way on... A new picture insert gets flashed on the screen. OMG! There they are... "Hands of blue. Two by two." Some poor soul is getting the Pax... And the band aid signal from the House and Senate investigation hearings. And the upside down cross on the bracelet. I was so startled I crushed my aluminum hat before I had it all the way back on. It got all mashed together and I couldn't get the sides apart. Good thing I keep a roll of aluminum foil in my desk drawer. I pull it out and just wrap a few layers around my whole head... Smash the top down... And then poke some holes for eyes so I can see and for my mouth so I can breathe. I miss a lot of shit and by the time I get my eye holes opened up... Brannon is showing some French video... And there's more Qtard conspiracy stuff. Some chick's getting a chip implanted in her hand. The "nurse" doing the implant has on black gloves. Black friggin gloves! Now we're into some real Mana Nero mafia shit. The chick has this ring on her finger in the shape of a rose. Oh, shit I think. First the Illuminati... And now the frickin Rosicrucians. And to top it off... The ring is silver. And she has on a spike bracelet that is gold. Everyone who is anyone knows what that means in Heraldry. "Something's wrong in the neighborhood..." Sure enough, the shot pulls back and the chick is a dude, Dude. A friggin dude. So, Brannon switches over to national news... I'm thinking... Now things will go back to normal. But no... right off the bat... He sets up a story that Senator John Kerry gave a speech on the Senate floor. Then when the clip starts he says (correctly) that it is Senator John Kennedy. B don't make mistakes, even though he goes all Polly Anna to correct. Nope, I look up ole Swiftboat Kerry... and sure enough... Its a Qtard drop. John Kerry's full name is John Forbes Kerry. [JFK]. Only one q drop with [JFK]. Brannon wasn't strokin the dog after all. There's some Booker and Hooker... I mean Harris reporting. Then Brannon starts lobbing shots across the bow of Reuters News Agency. Went down some rabbit holes, and you guessed it... All Rhodes led from Cecil to James C. Smith, Chairman of the Board at Reuters... Who also sits on the Board of Directors of Pfizer. (I say... PahFizer... drives my wife's cat nuts.) Finally the B man goes off on Abrams, Kemp and Soros... And I am totally wasted. Nervous about tonight's show. It not like watching the normal news. Its more like watching a horror show, if you know what I mean. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Charles_Theodore,Elector_of_Bavaria https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Illuminati https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Black_Hand(extortion) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rosicrucianism https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reuters https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cecil_Rhodes
The more i delve into pretty much everything the more i realise how incredibly fucked up the world is, seemingly past the point of repair. Let’s just say the devolution theory isn’t true does that really matter? It seems to me the only way we have a chance of winning this war is a global awakening. Myself and many others started our awakening due to Q. Even if Q was a “psyop” it was definitely a beneficial one. Being in the most isolated city in the entire world I feel pretty hopeless and alone at times and sometimes i need reassurance from my yankeepedes that we are on track. all the people i’m surrounded by are comatose, there’s no getting through to them. I’m just hoping the awakening in america and europe has a ripple effect throughout the whole world because christ almighty these inbred freaks i’m surrounded by are on a new level of retarded…. pls tell me we’re winning. the concentration camps being built around australia kind of have me on edge.
Am i going to die?

Anyone know how to buy American stonks if you’re in Australia?
They were making fun of all the freedom protesters saying "look at all these idiots protesting freedom while i went and had a beer with all my mates". I finally snapped and called them all cuck virgin faggots with no morals and no back bone. They stand for nothing and when it comes to crunch time i know all of you will throw me under the bus. I deleted all forms of social media and haven't given anyone an alternative form of contact. If they really cared they'd find a way to reach out to me but we'll see how this goes. No one cares about anything anymore and it makes me sick