Any one got a good link to a good synopsis of pizza gate or a video ?

i got a buddy who needs to be enlightened and well search engines scrubbed the shit out of it.

We Are The Storm ! ! ! ! ! (media.greatawakening.win) - N C S W I C -
posted ago by making_upvotes ago by making_upvotes
A Storm Is Coming We Are Ready! (media.greatawakening.win) - N C S W I C -
posted ago by making_upvotes ago by making_upvotes

Q said trust Wray. What if the white house really didn't know? What if the raid was ordered by Trump on himself? Putting in evidence? Playing some 4D chess giving pretext and setting up a new precedent. What if Wray's whole roll was to expose the FBI by purposely overplaying their hand. What if Wray was there to show the sheep the corruption of the FBI ? What if he was there to be a hero by playing the bad guy ? It would be a thankless roll . I mean if the previews are over and the movie actually starts. What if the needed to engineer a casus belli to begin the storm. These are just thoughts I don't necessarily believe them. I would love to hear your opinions try to figure this out.


April showers.




Some weird things. Pluto is here as of today some argue on the 22nd

2/22/2022 2x2x2x222 = 1776 2+2 +2 +2 +2 +2 = 12 number representing government 2x(2/2)x222= 666 Could be a day the satanic pedos try to perform some ritual type of ritual Magick. Pluto is synonymous with revolution death and rebirth. Last time Pluto was in the North American heavens was around 1776.
These dudes are all about planetary Magick and numerology. This could be the date they try to go full blown NWO.

When Pluto was above France Napoleon died. Same with Stalin in Russia. Many other coincidences. Take this information as you wish.

Source: chaos magician ( before you pass judgement on someone who studies and practices the occult. All occult means is hidden in Hebrew. Basically it is a vernacular to explain phenomenon that humans have been observing for years. no two chaos magicians believe the same thing some are full blown evil like this satanic death cult. I would align my self to light / God / Christ. not evil but we know of evil and we know how these fuckers operate. And truthfully the demons that they are in contact with are fucking terrifying. Wouldn't ever evoke those fuckers.) Also, I don't really use numerology or planetary Magick. But these ass clowns do. I mostly work through prayer and faith.)


Some weird things. Pluto is here as of today some argue on the 22nd


2x2x2x222 = 1776

2+2 +2 +2 +2 +2 = 12 number representing government

(2+2/2)x222= 666

Could be a day the satanic pedos try to perform some ritual type of ritual Magick. Pluto is synonymous with revolution death and rebirth. Last time Pluto was in the North American heavens was around 1776.
These dudes are all about planetary Magick and numerology. This could be the date they try to go full blown NWO.

When Pluto was above France Napoleon died. Same with Stalin in Russia. Many other coincidences. Take this information as you wish.

Source: chaos magician ( before you pass judgement on someone who studies and practices the occult. All occult means is hidden in Hebrew. Basically it is a vernacular to explain phenomenon that humans have been observing for years. no two chaos magicians believe the same thing some are full blown evil like this satanic death cult. I would align my self to light / God / Christ. not evil but we know of evil and we know how these fuckers operate. And truthfully the demons that they are in contact with are fucking terrifying. Wouldn't ever evoke those fuckers.) Also, I don't really use numerology or planetary Magick. But these ass clowns do. I mostly work through prayer and faith.

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