With Bitcoin going down so much, I was thinking of purchasing a little when it bottoms out. I was then wondering if maybe the white hats are going to be doing away with it… in which case I wouldn’t want to buy. What are your guys’ thoughts on it?


I know there have been many threads on the amazing benefits of Ivermectin, but I can’t remember if skin tags was one of the issues it will fix. I have one that I would like to get rid of, and would rather fix it at home rather than the dermatologist. Didn’t know if topical or ingestion would work. Thank you guys!


I had a really bad episode of sleep paralysis last night and it felt demonic in nature. It happens to me once or twice every year it seems. As darkness starts to settle in for the night, I’m getting scared to go to sleep in a little while. If you’re reading this can you pray for me? Thank you


Today, December 21, is the satanic winter solstice holiday. No doubt that the heathens are going to be doing rituals tonight. Let’s pray against them so that all their little chanting will be in vain


Ever since the coof started, I’ve been looking into the benefits of different vitamins and supplements to help the immune system, help your body fight covid etc. I started taking D3, vitamin C, zinc and NAC. Since I’ve been taking these supplements, I’ve noticed a huge decrease in my depression. So much of a decrease that I was able to wean off of my antidepressant ! I’ve been off off it for over a year now, and feel great. I want to dive in to learning more about what supplements can do for other illnesses and to prevent future problems. Google searching leads me to some info, but it’s hard to know which info is trustworthy and efficacious. Do you pedes have any suggestions on reading material or resources to get me started learning more? TIA❤️


I’ve been wondering this ever since covid hit. I remember the day my whole office was shut down, and we were sent home to work due to covid. I felt like something shifted when I saw the (fake) videos coming out of China showing ppl dropping dead in the street. It felt like something big had changed, spiritually. Ever since then, I’ve been paying close attention. I’m on this board every day for the past year. The thing I can’t form an opinion on is whether we are legitimately in end times, or if this is just a blip on the radar of history similar to something like WWII. Some Christians I talk to say we are definitely in end times and that rapture or apocalypse is definitely coming within the next few years. Others don’t think so at all. I want to hear your opinions. Do you guys think we will all come out of this eventually and the world will go on in a better way, or do you think Jesus comes back SOON? If Jesus IS coming back soon, what timeframe are you thinking?


Do any of you guys watch Pastor Kim on YouTube? He has so many good sermons on there- videos on the great reset and how it fits into the Bible, how the rittenhouse case fits into end time prophecy. He’s one of the most based pastors I’ve seen and super smart


Hey Pedes- I have been a lurker here for the past couple years- well today I had to make an ACTUAL account bc I need your help.

I know that you guys understand fully how the pandemic and the events of the past couple years relate to the Bible. I know that you all are pretty much the cream of the crop as far as who to ask my questions to.

I have been a Christian since I was a child. Got baptized at a Church of Christ at 12. Went to church with my parents when growing up but fell away from the actual church building once some adultery issues occurred within the clergy. I stopped going to church at that time, but continued to read my Bible. I am now in my early 30’s, still have no church home, just watch YouTube preachers and religious truther channels like Truth Unedited and a call for an uprising.

It goes without saying that I don’t want the jab- not at any cost. I’ve been reading here for two years- I know the evil plans going on. I utterly and truly feel that God is telling me there’s now way I can give in and get the vax.

My employer (large bank) has given us January 14th deadline to get the vax or no longer be eligible for employment. They sent out the religious exemption form yesterday. I’m so nervous to fill it out. I feel so much pressure like this one document determines my whole future.

I have taken notes on others who have asked questions about the exemptions and how to do them, I still just don’t feel confident.

Here are the questions the exemption form asks:

  1. Do the tenets of your faith expressly prohibit you from getting the vaccine? If yes, provide the specific tenet that prohibits you from getting the vaccine

  2. Have you received vaccines previously? (Answer: yes, only when I was a kid in elementary school, no vaccines or flu shots since I’ve been 18)

  3. If you received previous vaccines, what makes you unable to take this vaccine and what tenets of your faith prohibit this one?

  4. Describe how your religious belief affects other aspects of your life such as if it affects other health decisions or medications you take

  5. Is there anything else you would like the employer to know about your religious accommodation?

Thank you guys so much for reading. I feel like I don’t deserve the help, but any you could offer would be greatly appreciated ❤️

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