What’s a WOMAN? (media.greatawakening.win)
posted ago by mitmont123 ago by mitmont123

Thought 1: just saw four Hispanic males all wearing close to the same clothes at a local grocer. All shopping as one. Filling one cart while one male pushed two empty ones, buying mass amounts of chilis, onions, tomatoes, beans rice etc… with supply chain issues and inflation how long will we have food available. My first thought on these guys wasn’t “illegals” it was “locusts”

Second thought: everyday is a day to prepare. We are literally playing Russian Roulette when each day could be the day the run on food starts.

DEF at COSTCO (media.greatawakening.win)
posted ago by mitmont123 ago by mitmont123

For years everyone knew cars could be 10x more efficient but the gas companies and car companies killed those efficiencies buying them out or stomping on them.

Fuk them car companies…. they NEED to fix the MPGs. I’m a retired military receiving SS and they don’t pay you to have an electric car.

And if Birdbrain thinks there will be enough capacity for everyone to have electric car by 2030 the guy can recharge himself at a power station. There won’t be enough cars.

I have one vehicle, how about families with 2 or 3. 200k in electric cars…. Excuse the venacular… Go Fuk your mother.


Will we ever hear about the leaker. Todays decision and the leakers action are separate.
The sanctity of the court needs to be upheld.

The leaker must be found and prosecuted/disbarred


She STILL doesn’t want people to have the crumbs. Fuk her/she-it/it

IMHO. I don’t see making it past the end of the decade. I’m a young 62 Yo guy. Non vax’d. But the attack on us, It’ll be a crime victim, a radiation blast victim or a victim of famine.

I’m relating with my neighbors, I’d suggest you do the same.

GLTA your brother in the dietie you believe in.

Fuk this A$$HOKE (media.greatawakening.win)
posted ago by mitmont123 ago by mitmont123
Kansas cows die (mobile.twitter.com)
posted ago by mitmont123 ago by mitmont123

Honest question, seeing IRAN is so close to weapons grade material for a nuke(s). Giving in to sanctions letting them sell oil. What do our leaders right now, Biden, Pelosi, Schumer get out of this. If a Satan missile from Russia is aimed at the east coast because these people press Russia and Putin.

What’s in it for them? Do they really hate America that much? They’re in office with their power now. They’re all old as fuk.

What’s in it for them?


FJB, no mention about 45 minutes police didn’t enter the Uvalde school. No mention about the strictest gun laws in the country, Chicago killings everyday, laws aren’t stopping them.
Tired of the attacks on 2A.

Liability shield topic: only applies to gun manufacturers? Big pharma and COVID Shots, not open to liability, didn’t mention that and over a million US citizens killed.

He’s a disgrace

2A BILL OH HELL NO (americanmilitarynews.com)
posted ago by mitmont123 ago by mitmont123
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