newhere 1 point ago +1 / -0

Oh wow I just googled Daniel Son Luke. Luke Danielson come up Luke Danielson

Mr Danielson is an attorney, professor, researcher and consultant on minerals policy, national development strategies, and environmental and social performance. He is known for his work both on international and national levels on minerals policies, and has worked with over a dozen governments, including Mozambique, Chile, Peru and the Peoples Republic of China. He was the 2015 inductee into the International Mining Technology Hall of Fame for his contributions to Environmental Management and Stewardship.

Mr Danielson was also the Executive Director of the Mining Minerals and Sustainable Development Project, which established the first work plan and agenda for the International Council on Mining and Metals.

Other relevant roles of Mr Danielson include being founding Director of Mining Policy Research Initiative, member of the International Bar Association Committee that developed the Model Mining Development Agreement and he was one of the three members of a commission established by the President of the World Bank Group to evaluate the environmental and social performance of the International Finance Corporation in the Pangue Hydroelectric Project in Chile.

Mr Danielson is president and a co-founder of Sustainable Development Strategies Group (SDSG), a Colorado non-profit organisation that promotes research, teaching and application of the principles of the sustainable development in the field of natural resource development.

newhere 1 point ago +1 / -0

Star wars shirt, the main figure in it looks like it is a mix of Luke Skywalker, Daniel Son, riding the hover board from back to the future?

newhere 3 points ago +3 / -0

Another bird? Owl from the capital Joe The Pigeon (possibly executed by Australia)