OmgTrumpWon 3 points ago +4 / -1

No.. They were the leftover trash we got bc of Pelosi and the democratic party. They decide who gets funding and can get the backing of the party. It's because of the supreme court decision in Citizens United. If you literally knew ANYTHING about actual laws and details surrounding the issues of the country you might have known that. Lobbyists and the billionaires/ corporations are the scum of this country. They're paying nothing to society in form of taxes so the people make up the difference. Then the government which is made up of people that amazon funded their campaign create laws to subsidize their building of factories so Bezos' bitch ass can add another billion to his bank while we all have 0 raises or workers rights. Unions are being destroyed and you idiots are worried about imaginary demons and aliens running the world while eating babies or whatever. It really is insane.

OmgTrumpWon 5 points ago +5 / -0

if god was in control why would demonic pedophiles run the world and the biggest military and biggest economy in the history of humanity.. o.o


OmgTrumpWon 2 points ago +2 / -0

it's hilarious how you all project so much on other people. Normal people take anything they hear or read from CNN and then check OTHER SOURCES to see what details change or whats been left out. That's called bias, buddy.. NOT LYING. CNN and MSNBC are bias, not blatant liars. You all are the ones blindly obediant to a random blogger that nobody even knows lmfao. You are the exact reason the world shill exists. Spewing hateful bullshit to anything and everyone who would listen to a lunatic frothing at the mouth about pedophelia and how much you all are into it and banging daddy trump

OmgTrumpWon 2 points ago +2 / -0

LOL impossible he won pennsylvania yet the courts and recounts prove that he did unmistakably. You are drinking the cool-aid, bud.

OmgTrumpWon 0 points ago +2 / -2

right! I haven't ever saw a president leaving office that isn't happy. Most of these guys are wealthy or now have the ability to give speeches for millions so how the hell COULD you be upset leaving office lol. Unless there is a demon ring of pedophiles to take down, of course LMFAO. These insane people are hilarious

OmgTrumpWon 1 point ago +2 / -1

lmfaoooooooo less than half of the country voted at all in the general election you nincompoop. 161 million votes were counted in total and the most recent census data shows that we have well over 325m people.. soooooooooo... yeah... basic division tells us that like maybe a quarter of the population ACTUALLY voted for Trump. Far fewer people in that group believe he was defrauded and had the election stolen because its provably false. There were like 40 court cases and he failed to prove any large number of ballot fraud. You are just full of shit. You dont bother trying to fact check anything you just read shit and believe it if it's convenient for your dumb ass argument

OmgTrumpWon -2 points ago +4 / -6

lol hmm a Q person reading extremely deeply into a single look his wife made.. who could have saw this coming..? lmfao you all are just strapped in to the death no matter how plainly stupid you sound and are. it's really pathetic that you have such little support for your own american brothers and sisters and you think some god-king will appear to magically make everything in the world right again. GET REAL. The world is a terrible place sometimes and the more people there are the more terrible shit that's gonna happen. we are cancer to our own world

OmgTrumpWon 1 point ago +4 / -3

maybe JUST MAYBE because he wasn't thinking about pedophiles or anything you retards claim on his mind..? Maybe because he is ultra rich and is finally about to be able to enjoy peace and quiet on a badass gold resort in florida instead of being raged on by reporters and everyone across the planet every day..? MAYBE thats why he seems happy. Why do you think his wife has been planning the move home for months and it super hype about it you moron? Dude you have absolutely gone down the rabbit hole of tardation to genuinely believe this like you do lmfao. Wtf did your parents even teach you..? Are you a private school kid bc it would make sense why you have 0 street smarts and are duped by a random guy online and gave him 100% faith. Thats how americans end up as islamic terrorists fighting for iraq lmfao

OmgTrumpWon -6 points ago +5 / -11

it genuinely makes me happy to know that all of the believers of this aren't fully bought into insanity. thank god for you and bless you for critically thinking. also thank public schooling if it applies. we need to put faith in unions and workers and not stories in the future. then our strength and brotherhood is built in reality and can directly affect our income and lives to make this country better!

OmgTrumpWon 2 points ago +4 / -2

Dude you have 0 critical thinking or self-criticism.. You say everyone else is blindly jumping off the bandwagon because they can't "connect the dots" of imaginary and ever changing 'signs.' YOU are the deluded one. How can you be so ironic to the point that you are clearly projecting. Connecting imaginary dots of one sign to the next. THATS SCHIZOPHRENIA buddy, go get medical help. You are actually borderline insane. You don't even recognize the mental gymnastics you're doing to reason out this insane "plan" that apparently like half of the government made of thousands of staffers and workers are all in on it. You dumb ass bitch there are cleaning people getting paid dick to work at the whitehouse. There are gardeners and staffers that don't get paid to work there for these so-called pedophiles sadists. THEY WOULD HAVE FOUND OUT AND WENT TO THE NEWS TO MAKE A PAY CHECK WITH THE INFO STUPID ASS.

OmgTrumpWon 1 point ago +1 / -0

lol we're here to kick you while you're down buddy. It's fucking funny. You all are delusional and now it is proven and VERY funny lmfao. You all got cucked by your big daddy trump lmfao

OmgTrumpWon 0 points ago +1 / -1

all of us "shills" are here to make fun of you all and kick you while you're down. Insane cucks got cucked into oblivion by a random guy in a chat room lmfaoooo look at you all. its so hilarious you have to face the truth eventually whether it be now or your deathbeds some day ahahahaha

OmgTrumpWon -2 points ago +1 / -3

lol crybaby cuck. Did daddy trump not win enough for you. sad loser

OmgTrumpWon -2 points ago +1 / -3

lol thats what the confederates said until them and their families were killed in the name of AMERICA. suck the constitution traitors. You're all cucks who followed an online moron into oblivion and can't face facts.

OmgTrumpWon 0 points ago +2 / -2

lol we all saw the posts on real biased media and they wonder why everyone is here to shit on their insanity lmfao. It's human nature and also 2) its the internet. we all live to stomp on idiots here hahahaa

OmgTrumpWon -4 points ago +1 / -5

we aren't bots. the mainstream media are all making fun of you idiots for being totally wrong and it's 100% proven now and you think the shills are here to bring you down..? NO DUMBASS you are down and we are kicking the shit out of you all for calling us liars for years. SUCK IT hahahahahahaah your lives are probably all messed up because normal people in your family cant handle your rambling dumb-ass-ery anymore.

OmgTrumpWon -2 points ago +1 / -3

we're all here to revel in the fact that you dumb ass retards have to face the sad reality we all live in lmfaooooo. You have it half right.. the richest people and corporations in the world run our government via lobbying. It's well known. You assholes just read way to far into shit and make up nonexistant codes. those are the signs of scitzophrenia

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