I dont know why but I find it hard to do the things I'm supposed to do. Whether it's distraction, boredom, or confusion, I keep putting off things I should be doing. However, deep down I know I need to do those things to succeed and take my life to a better place. Do you guys have any insight or wisdom on how to discipline oneself for success?


Everyone keeps cracking jokes about it, but I don't think anyone quite understands the magnitude of the situation in Ohio. The toxic train derailment and bombing will affect the very air you breathe, water you drink, and food you eat.

All health issues result from industrial toxins stored in the body. Ingesting any of the toxins via air, water, or food will exponentially increase your risk of cancer and disease. Cancer is always the result of industrial chemicals. The more they accumulate, the more damage is done in the body to the point where the body stops dissolving dead cells and collects them resulting in cancer.

It's imperative that the US military stop further train bombings and figure out a way to remove the chemicals from our supply. What is currently being done? This is a far more serious matter than anything else on this forum. Without clean air, water, and food this generation and future generations will not survive.

  1. Stop questioning why the air and water tastes like chemicals and metals. You already know that the deep state is trying to kill you and the farmers. These people are clinical psychopaths and do not care about you, the animals, nature, or consequences of their actions.

  2. Understand that if you stay in that area you will develop cancer in the long-term. Industrial pollution and chemicals is the number one reason why people get cancer. If you are breathing or ingesting it daily, you are going to get it guaranteed.

  3. Leave that area and find shelter somewhere far away. This will require money or friends but it's necessary if you want to avoid cancer and long-term health effects.

  4. If you are choosing to stay in that area, buy a gas mask. A surgical or N95 mask won't work for gas. You need an actual gas mask—specifically the World War 1 kind that covers your eyes with goggles. You also need to protect your eyes from chemical burns. Wear a long hooded coat with a rain cloak or poncho on top to protect from acid rain and other chemicals in the air from hitting your body.

It's insane that this is happening in our country, but we are being attacked by enemies that have infiltrated our government and corporations. When they control everything, it's easy for them to pull off an genocidal event like this.

If you don't live in the NE area and think you are safe, think again. The toxic air and water can travel and flow through the air and rivers for miles. This event will affect everyone in this nation. Not only that, but multiple trains with toxic chemicals in different parts of the country have derailed.

The solution for this catastraphy is unknown, but I hope some very smart people figure it out. I also hope the deep state is held accountable and executed for their actions in this.


Patriots are in control they say. But how are they allowing so many toxic train derailments to happen? Are they just sitting back and watching? What are they actively doing to stop this?

The Ohio river basin is the largest freshwater basin in the US and it's now compromised. 52,000 farms around Pennsylvania are now under attack by chemicals and toxins. PA has the most fertile and valuable farmland in the country. Soon it will all be gone!

If Trump and military do not step in, we will soon lose everything. How much more damage and harm do we need to take before they do something?


Hi all,

I know a lot of you are very smart so I wanted to seek your advice. Currently, I'm in my late thirties and come from a good family background. However, I don't have any long-lasting friends and my love life is non-existent. However, I do try to meet people and get along with them, but in the end it never works out.

I've never had a real girlfriend before, although I've tried dating and never got too far. After trying so many times and failing, it's starting to feel like it's not meant to be. I also feel like I don't relate to the general populace. Most are unawake to the realities of the world and are brainwashed by media and popular opinion. I tend to go against the grain and because of that, it's hard for others to relate to me.

I also I have aspirations to do something amazing and believe I have the potential to do that, but I am unsure how to go about that. I don't have anyone to guide me so everything comes from the top of my dome. I'm happy to be alive, but I have a strong desire to do something notable and great. But I'm afraid that desire might not be enough.

What do you suggest I do to live a better life?


Trump is defeating the deep state and is making all the right moves. How does he think so logically and strategically? I know he's smart but is there a framework that allows him to become a masterful tactician?

What are some resources or books I can read that will make me smarter so I can become a master thinker? I need to be smarter so I can change my life and change the world.


I keep wondering why Matt Taibbi tweeted the file drop instead of Musk? I expected Musk to tweet it. Who is this Matt Taibbi guy and why was he chosen?

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