One thing I meant to mention is vitamin K-2. I've been taking it for years because it is said to help your body use Calcium appropriately instead of letting it build up in your arteries.
I could definitely be confused; I've read so much that I may have overload.
As has EVERYTHING! I'm waiting on eggs to go up some more now because of this bird-cow-cat flu they are trying to bolster.
Prayers that you are able to figure out what is causing your problem and can fix it naturally, fren.
Prayers for good news! Come back and let us know!
Low. I explained as well as I can above.
Maybe not briefly, but I'll share. When covid hit, I lost all trust in the medical establishment. I followed the Zelenko protocol because I was a courtesy driver and I kept working even though I refused to wear a mask, and distancing in a vehicle with 3 others isn't possible. I refused to go to the doctor because I wouldn't mask up and I would not get vaxxed either. I soon ran out of my hypothyroid med and my Dr wouldn't refill w/o an appt. In researching, I found that many of the supplements I was already taking helped with t3 production- Quercetin, turmeric with curcumin and pepperine, zinc, C, D, E, and B12. In addition to these, I started eating seaweed snacks which are full of iodine. I never had my thyroid checked again until I finally went back to my doctor in 2023. I had no idea how my numbers would look, but my Dr was surprised to see that my blood work came back normal for thyroid levels. She was a little perplexed.
I'm old enough to remember when margarine hit the market and was touted as heart-healthy because it had no saturated fat. Everyone switched from butter to margarine because the drs and the TV told them to. Now we know it was full of transfats, was invented from petroleum by-products as an ant attractant and poison. Nothing but butter in my house for over a decade.
You had a good Dr. They are few in number I'm afraid. I never found one that gave much credit to hdl numbers, but I knew better.
I took Lipitor for about a month, then the body pain kicked in and I stopped. It was horrible.
No meds at all, only natural supplements. I even managed to get off my thyroid meds by doing some research. Numbers are good now.
Not going back. No need obviously. But really, it's a lifetime of drs.
My high cholesterol was found at 3yo. At that time in my life I was allergic to milk and eggs, supposedly 2 of the most high in cholesterol foods. Around 5yo, I overheard my Dad tell a friend that if they didn't get my numbers down, I would have a heart attack. That stuck with me my whole life.
By 7yo, I was reading ingredients labels. I can't remember tasting a real egg yolk before the age of 16. I went to have blood taken every 6 months my entire life. My numbers never got below 200, and usually stayed around 250-280. My drs. wanted me to try statins, and I did briefly, but I had the side effects of severe body aches, so I stopped them. My drs. were not happy. I began researching cholesterol and what it means for the body, and tests began to be able to differentiate between good (hdl) and bad (ldl) cholesterol. Turns out I had extremely high good cholesterol.
I brought this to my Dr's attention, but it seemed to hold no weight and I only got more doom and gloom. But I knew for myself and I mostly trusted in my own instincts. Recently, I was sent for this CTA scan due to my age and my most recent cholesterol numbers of 241. I was glad to do it because I would finally know the condition of my heart and arteries.
LOOK AT THESE RESULTS! I'm done. I have been eating whatever I want for the last few years. Lots of butter and bacon and eggs, because of my research. I try to stay away from a lot of processed foods and do my own cooking. Stopped using seed oils. My hdl is still extremely high. I've never felt a bit of trouble with my heart in 57 years.
I got a follow up call from the cardiologist. I'm thinking they need to do a case study on me, but nope. They want me to start an injectable cholesterol medication to get my ldl below 70. I refused. I was really disappointed in their response to such good scan results. SMH.
I am at peace, finally, not just with my health, but with my discernment and trust in my own instincts. Trust the science? Science is made up of theories which are supposed to be tested to prove or disprove, but that isn't happening and medicine is based on faulty test results being published in some medical journal and then followed by AMA as THE STANDARD. These Dr's do not question, and they don't like it when you do. They are lemmings and it's a fucking shame.
Arkansas. Not trying to dox myself any further than that. My county and city gov't. is very corrupted and has been for over half a century that I know of for sure, so no help in alerting "authorities." I have no following on X, and I'm extremely shadow-banned on fb, so no one to listen. Very surprised at the interaction here tbh.
Yes it has. The same happens in Arkansas.
But all Mexican? That was the striking element of it all.
We have what is called the Dixie Mafia here.
Our sheriff is corrupt. Our whole county is corrupt.
The Aurora Borealis is supposed to be visible in the southern states tonight. It has certainly happened before, and I was fortunate to see it, but it is very uncommon. Sky event? Today is 6 yr delta.
He certainly has busted onto the scene and made the rounds.
I thought Al Gore created the interwebs.
They didn't really look scared, more like nervous, unsure.
Southern states will be able to see the aurora borealis tonight. It has happened before, and I was fortunate to see it, but it is uncommon.
When the economy crashes, 401ks tank and social security checks stop, humanity will have no choice but to unite for survival.
I have no idea. I've never heard of this.