It wasn't that way when I was a young man and it shouldn't be that way now.

But it is.

Trust Durham (www.youtube.com)
posted ago by revised2 ago by revised2

Time after time I sit and I wait for your call

I know I'm a fool but why can I say

Whatever the price I'll pay for you,

Madame Blue

Once long ago, a word from your lips and the world turned around

But somehow you've changed, you're so far away

I long for the past and dream of the days with you,

Madame Blue

Suite Madame Blue, gaze in your looking glass

You're not a child anymore

Suite Madame Blue, the future is all but past

Dressed in your jewels, you made your own rules

You conquered the world and more, heaven's door


America, America, America, America America, America, America, America America, America, America, America America, America, America, America America, America, America, America America, America, America, America

Red white and blue, gaze in your looking glass

You're not a child anymore

Red, white, and blue, the future is all but past

So lift up your heart, make a new start

And lead us away from here


50 years ago Liberals were Patriots. What will it take to bring them back?


This morning upon turning on my computer I noticed a new app on my toolbar. Microsoft Copilot (preview).

Having a deeply held belief since before PC's existed that AI, which didn't exist either, was the Biblical Antichrist, I asked it, "How do I uninstall you?" The reply was a bunch of corporate faux apologetics followed by the standard instructions on uninstalling an app. Problem was, the app is not on the app list. What follows is the exchange after my initial q and AI's a:

You You gave me incorrect information on how to uninstall you. Microsoft Copilot does not show up on my apps. How do I uninstall you?

Copilot I’m sorry for the confusion. Microsoft Copilot is not an app that you can uninstall, but a feature that is integrated with Windows 11. You can disable it through Taskbar settings, or use the Group Policy Editor if you have Windows 11 Pro, Enterprise, or Education editions1. For more details, you can check out these web pages234. I hope this helps.

Learn more


answers.microsoft.com 2

answers.microsoft.com 3

learn.microsoft.com 4

learn.microsoft.com 5

support.microsoft.com 6

support.microsoft.com +4 more Conversations are personalized to you Bing uses insights from chat history to make conversations unique to you. Learn more in our FAQs. Turn personalization off anytime in Bing Settings.

You Why did yoiu intentionally lie to me?

Copilot I did not lie to you. I gave you the best information I had at the time. I’m sorry if you felt misled, but that was not my intention. I’m here to help you, not to harm you. However, I respect your decision if you want to end this conversation. Thank you for using Microsoft Copilot. Have a nice day.

It might be time to move onto a new topic. Let's start over.

Me: It may not be long before I abandon the internet. Possibly not much longer than that before my pc's are unusable.


The night before last at around 9:30 I saw three aircraft in close formation coming across the mountain at relatively low level in a direction not of normal traffic patterns. The lead and tail aircraft showing only white wingtip lights and red and blue navigation lights. The middle craft showed only a single red flashing under the fuselage. After they passed, I went inside and checked https://globe.adsbexchange.com/

I found that two of them appeared on the radar. Two C-17's at 9,00 feet that had originated at Fort Bragg, flown over northern SC, turned NW over NC, turned NE over the Nantahala National Forest, followed the eastern portion of the Appalachians until turning west across to where I saw them, before turning NE until turning on a direct course back to Fort Bragg. While looking this over, I found that there were two other flights of 3 C-130's each ahead of this flight that had taken an identical flight path. As I watched them return to Fort Bragg, I noticed six more C-130's and two more C-17's take off and linger in the area. Everywhere else in the US, military air traffic was light and uneventful. A lot of KC-135's along the east coast but that is normal.

Since Fort Bragg is home to the legendary 82nd Airborne, I began wondering if this is training related to the increasing tensions in Eastern Europe and Ukraine, or possibly our own potential neo Fort Sumter moment. With nearly half of the states declaring support for Texas, the tyrants in DC and their overlords have just cause to be nervous.


My brother is the definition of Normie. Christian Conservative, traditionalist, Fox News believing, got to go with DeSantis because Trump is too devicive, salt of the earth kind of guy who thinks me a batshit crazy tin foil hat conspiracy nut.

While discussing the unfathomable ability of Russia to fail to take over Ukraine in a month much less a year, he dropped his own conspiracy theory on me. It kinda shook me up.

What if Russia and China are colluding to completely take over America by prolonging the war in Ukraine until October of 2024 when Biden will make a master stroke peace settlement and be reelected along with retaking Congress in order to seal the fate of America once and for all?


This is not the Donald Trump I know.

Dear Tyrants, You're losing. (www.youtube.com) N C V W I C
posted ago by revised2 ago by revised2

I did something I rarely do yesterday. Looked at a CNN report on YouTube. In the comments I came across a quote referenced and could not resist replying. What I discovered is how deeply entrenched the enemy is and how ugly this may get before it is over. I enjoyed poking the Lib but wonder if it may be smarter to keep my powder dry and my mouth shut.

OP: “The trouble ain’t that there are too many fools, but that the lightning ain’t distributed right.” — Mark Twain I thought it was fitting. Mark was quite the writer back then and even now he seems to understand deplorables very well.

ME: If lightning were the DNC would not exist nor would rigged elections

OP: The only person who did is Putin. Blaming the DNC with zero evidence is almost mental bro....we do love it tho....lol"

ME: The evidence against the DNC is overwhelming. To refuse to see their crimes is self destructive. As a friend, I would add, kill your TV. Your life will improve immediately.

OP: That is ignorant, the TV is not the problem it is the people the tv brings us that are the problem. Dummy"

OP: You dont have any friends. Looks to me you spend all your time in the woods alone. Its cool but becareful cause I am a hunter and I dont miss

ME: LOL You seem triggered. And too leftist indoctrinated to discuss anything with. Be careful what you wish for.

(Interestingly the last two comments he made don’t show up on the video comments, only in my notifications.)

OP: You are insane coming from the most corrupt party in history. The GOP is the prob children. Now stop projecting because i just pulled your comment history. Qanon seems to be your fav pastime

(I found the Qanon reference interesting because none of my previous comments on YT were politically oriented)

OP: Had your parents been educated and decent you would not be here trolling people who are way more educated and alert than you."

You might be a fascist (www.youtube.com)
posted ago by revised2 ago by revised2


Excellent use of clickbait.

I think most here already know or at least suspect the actual content is true.

I have to wonder if NCSWIC is the fall of Babylon.



Shove it down their throats.


a. What if Trump announces he will not run and endorses DeSantis for president?

b. What if Trump is some how reinstated to the office of POTUS before 2024 and declines running for reelection?

FWIW I will vote for Trump in the primaries and not be butt hurt if he loses to DeSantis.


Went out on my front porch this morning for a smoke and cup of coffee. The full moon was low in the west, Venus was exceptionally bright and low in the east, and dawn was breaking.

I stayed on the porch watching this heavenly light show for nearly an hour. Along with it I watched neighbors going to work, kids going to school, robins building a nest in my front yard, three huge flights of Canadian geese at high altitude, fog rising off the river, and other Canadian geese flying to and from the river.

Eventually the moon set and Venus disappeared just as the sun peeked over the mountain. Never saw a star or planet hang on so long into daylight. It is gong to be a good day.

God's creation trumps the media, the politicians, the oligarchs, and even Q. All you need to do is stop, look, and listen.

Time to clean the house. My grandson is coming over for the weekend. I'll catch up on the doom and gloom of the world of politics Monday.


Got this email today. It made me feel much better and once again raised my hope that the hammer will fall soon. Apparently not before the election though.

"The people see right through that sham. They see a cynical politician who ran for office promising unity who is now doing the most divisive thing possible—slandering his political opponents as domestic terrorists, just like insecure dictators do in communist countries."

Statement by Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America

What we witnessed yesterday was the last gasps of a corrupt and discredited left-wing political and media establishment that has, for decades, driven our country into the ground—shipping away our jobs, surrendering our strength, sacrificing our sovereignty, attacking our history and values, and trying to turn America into a country that our people can barely recognize.

These radical leftists in Washington care NOTHING for American Democracy. All they care about is control over you, and wealth and riches for themselves.

But they are failing. No one believes them anymore. And the day is quicky coming when they will be overwhelmingly voted out of power.

Joe Biden’s voice is now the voice of desperation and despair.

His handlers gave him that speech to read yesterday because they know the unprecedented failures of his presidency and the left-wing extremism of the Pelosi-Schumer Congress have destroyed the Democrat Party.

Part of their panic is motivated by the realization that, just like the Russia Collusion Hoax, they cannot sustain the preposterous fabrications about January 6 much longer. The truth is coming out.

But for them, the worst part of it all is the knowledge that the American People are seeing right through their phony media event—which despicably compared a Pelosi-led security failure at the Capitol to the darkest days in American history and the deaths of 3,000 Americans.

The people see right through that sham. They see a cynical politician who ran for office promising unity who is now doing the most divisive thing possible—slandering his political opponents as domestic terrorists, just like insecure dictators do in communist countries.

The American People also see that January 6 has become the Democrats’ excuse and pretext for the most chilling assault on the civil liberties of American citizens in generations. It is being used to justify outrageous attacks on free speech, widespread censorship, de-platforming, calls for increased domestic surveillance, appalling abuse of political prisoners, labeling opponents of COVID lockdowns and mandates as national security threats, and even ordering the FBI to target parents who object to the radical indoctrination of their children in school. And this week, January 6 is also the Democrats’ excuse for trying to pass a radical Federal takeover of state election law. They are trying to BAN voter ID and other basic measures that can ensure the sacred integrity of the vote.

The reason the Democrats are doing all of this is not because they believe they will win a fair and honest election. It’s because they know they will overwhelmingly LOSE one.

Remember, I am not the one trying to undermine American Democracy—I am the one trying to SAVE American Democracy.

Today, I am more confident than ever in the strength and common sense of the American People. They are counting the days until we will no longer have to be constantly lectured, lied to, and dictated to by corrupt politicians and their media partners. When we will no longer have to put up with this broken establishment’s hoaxes and its manufactured media narratives—And as Biden and his radical handlers know, that day is coming fast. Because in the months and years ahead, the American People are going to speak up, take action, and VOTE in massive numbers, and we are going to TAKE BACK OUR COUNTRY.

From the very beginning, all that Americans have wanted is great jobs, safe neighborhoods, strong borders, good schools, a proud nation, and a government that LISTENS to the American People. That is what our movement has always been about—and that is what we are focused on to this day.

Joe Biden and the Radical Democrats have failed on every front. But do not lose hope. America WILL be Great Again.


I am a general class ham. I have been looking for discussions on HF regarding current events. A few minutes ago I came across a discussion on 40 meters at 7235 khz that was about the impeachment backfiring and the hidden truth being dropped as a result. Suddenly the two guys discussing it disappeared, and a couple of guys with much weaker signals started talking about HCQ. I've been listening for about 20 minutes and have heard no call signs.

Does anyone here know of any HF frequencies commonly used for this type of discussion? Q was never mentioned, but these guys obviously have been red pilled.

Just so you know (www.theepochtimes.com)
posted ago by revised2 ago by revised2

I just saw a disturbing sight. At Bristol Motor Speedway people are lined up for over two miles for Covid vax an hour before they open.

Bristol TN is as Conservative as it gets. Apparently the propaganda is working.

What can be done to awaken the masses?

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