rolandkhan 2 points ago +3 / -1

Which are Jews, and the Jews that aren't will continue to obfuscate with even more labels and names to look at, just don't look at Jewish supremacists as a whole, don't ever recognize them as a cohesive group working together for this shared purpose or you will be called an "antisemite."

I don't give a shit about the opinion of genocidal maniacs and those that support them, whether it be through an actual willful understanding, or the proclaimed ignorance, of what they're really up to. I also have no respect for the race traitors that refuse to acknowledge what's been happening to the white race for over a century now.

rolandkhan 4 points ago +6 / -2

Kikesuckers are only here to discredit anybody that dares to call out the Jewish supremacy and to tell you it's not "Jewish supremacy," instead you should focus on something else entirely instead of being "antisemitic."

A lot of these people have been utterly pacified and still going along with the Jews' lies of us being the racists for daring to stand up for our own race against the genocidal maniacs that have been exterminating us for over a century.

I'm a "racist," "white supremacist," "antisemite," "Hitler worshiper," all for showing respect for a leader that did for his people what Hitler did for Germany, oddly similar to what Trump did for us, yet they'll continue attacking him and absolutely refusing to even acknowledge that maybe some of the people lying to us today were also lying to us back then.

When you attack somebody, you show which side you're truly on. When you provide defense and cover for somebody's lies, you are advocating on their side.

Kikesuckers/cuckservatives will be offended by this post.

rolandkhan 9 points ago +9 / -0

All stemming from Jewish supremacists. Those that aren't "Jewish" are financed by and controlled by those that are.

And getting into the whole "real Jews" vs "fake Jews" is just distraction. Jewish supremacists are the problem, if the Jews that aren't supremacists are able to separate themselves from those that are then great, but most aren't willing to do that and will instead only ever cloud up all arguments with endless semantics.

rolandkhan 11 points ago +12 / -1

They ARE behind most (damn near all) of the horrors in the world. They start the divisions between people, whether it's class, race, sex, religion, or any other creed. They then push those divisions to the point of war, homicidal rage, and genocide. As they're doing that, they also work on degrading and destroying societies' principles and culture.

All the propaganda and lies stem from Jewish supremacists spreading it as if it's "science" or based on real studies. Careful though, you will get plenty of Jews, here too, that will get defensive and start denying their existence/role in things and call you "antisemite" for daring to call out the supremacists as they oddly get defensive themselves about it, even though they'll claim not to be on their side they'll continue to advocate as if they are.

Jews incoming....3, 2, 1...

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