Even though Im not from this state, I've been following Arizona's primary pretty closely. Im heavily invested in the outcome. If your from Arizona, bring your friends and family to vote with you. Try to overwhelm the potential fraud. Pass out pens in Maricopa county polling places, were they are trying to make everyone use bleedthrough pens. Try to have people keep an eye on dropboxes even today. You guys have to do everything you can to ensure a Kari Lake victory. She's one of the only candidates in the country to tell it like it is regarding the 2020 steal. Also help get Mark Finchim and the other America First candidates elected. You can use the votifynow app to report fraud in real time. We're all counting on you guys, to be vigilant and ensure their victory!
The following is a message released by ACT for America and written by Mollie Hemingway. We must find some way to counter this in our states.
"Biden is hiding his plan to rig the 2022 midterm elections.” - Mollie Hemingway
Biden’s Executive Order is clearly an attempt at a federal takeover of our elections. We must call on states to safeguard state constitutional authority to conduct their elections free of federal interference!Demand state elected officials establish laws to protect against federal interference in state elections, call for a full investigationand disclosure of all federal agency budget, training, and engagement in election related activities in every state. Defendthe Hatch Act and stop federal engagement in partisan voter registration and voter turnout activities!
Excerpts from Mollie Hemmingway’s Article Below:
The White House is refusing to share details about its coordinated efforts to engage in a federal takeover of election administration.
President Biden really does not want the public to know about his federal takeover of election administration. Dozens of members of Congress have repeatedly asked for details, to no avail. Good government groups, members of the media, and private citizens have filed requests under the Freedom of Information Act. Not a single one has been responded to.
All signs indicate a concerted effort to keep the public in the dark until at least after the November midterm elections. The lack of transparency and responsiveness is so bad that the Department of Justice and some of its agencies have been repeatedly sued for the information.
When President Biden ordered all 600 federal agencies to“expand citizens’ opportunities to register to vote and to obtain information about, and participate in, the electoral process” on March 7, 2021, Republican politicians, Constitutional scholars, and election integrity specialists began to worry exactly what was up his sleeve. Biden gave each agency 200 days to file their plans for approval.
Mobilizing Voters Is Always a Political Act
There are several major problems with Biden’s secret plan, critics say.
It’s unethical to tie federal benefits to election activity.
It’s unconstitutional to have the federal government take authority that belongs to the states and which Congress has not granted.
And, given that all 50 states have different laws and processes governing election administration, it’s a recipe for chaos, confusion, and fraud at a time when election security concerns are particularly fraught.
Choosing which groups to target for Get Out The Vote efforts is one of the most important activities done by political campaigns. Federal agencies that interact with the public by doling out benefits can easily pressure recipients to vote for particular candidates and positions. Congress passed the Hatch Act in 1939, which bans bureaucrats and bureaucracies from being involved in election activities after Democrats used Works Progress Administration programs and personnel for partisan political advantage.
Executive Order 14019 ignores that the Constitution does not give the executive branch authority over elections. That power is reserved for the states, with a smaller role for Congress. With H.R. 1 and other Democrat Party efforts to grab more control over elections have thus far failed, Congress hasn’t authorized such an expansion.
Leftist Groups Know Exactly What’s Going On
Conservatives may be in the dark, but left-wing activist groups are fully involved in the plot. The left-wing dark money group Demos put out press releases immediately after the executive order was issued, saying it would be happy to work with federal agencies on the project. And then the group admitted publicly that it “organized agency-based working groups and met with the staff in these agencies to provide technical expertise as they developed their initial voter registration plans, to ensure those plans reflect the knowledge and priorities of various agency stakeholders.”
It also admits it “developed research and resources to assist and advance agency efforts to implement robust voter registration opportunities, including a slide deck explainer of the agencies’ potential for impact, best practices for conducting voter registration at federal agencies, and recommendations for modernizing and improving the accessibility of Vote.gov.”
What We Know
While the White House and agencies are steadfastly refusing to share details about how they’re complying with the executive order, who they met with to develop their plans, or how they’re justifying their involvement in something Congress has not authorized them to participate in, some details are trickling out. Here are a few examples of the widespread and coordinated effort by Biden’s political appointees to meddle in the state administration of elections.
*The Department of Labor boasted that it was turning 2,300 American Job Centers previously focused on helping displaced workers find jobs into hubs of political activism. These new federally funded voter registration agencies were given guidance about how to bring in organizations to conduct “voter outreach.”
*The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services likewise announced plans to turn community health centers into voter registration agencies, using thousands of health care facilities to focus on voter registration and turnout.
*The Housing and Urban Development Department sent notice to public housing (disproportionately Democrat) authorities that they should begin voter registration drives and participation activities.
*The Department of Education sent letters to universities, telling them that Federal Work Study funds could now be used to support voter registration activities.
*The U.S. Department of Agriculture said it’s using its child nutrition programs to push voter registration and enlisting state, local, and federally funded employees to implement voter registration drives in local schools.
*The Commerce Department produced a massive, 113-page report directs local voting board members about polling stations and poll worker training.
How do I see it again? I tried lookong it up with the search bar but it's gone. It's the one with Gregg Phillips and something happening in 2 days. If you have a link, it will be most appreciated.
Now that their scheme has been revealed with the ballot trafficking, won't they just be more careful in future elections? Won't they just not bring their phones next time and take pictures with old cameras? Is there anyway for this to be countered now that they know that we know their tricks?
I have a feeling this movie by Lara Logan could change everything. I think it could show the irrefutable evidence that no one can deny. The Tina Peters story was so big that it was deliberately sabotaged at the cyber symposium. I think it is probably more important than 2000 mules in the grand scheme of things. This should be shared by everyone with a truthsocial account to bring awareness to the film. It will be free. Here is the link to the trailer. https://selectioncode.com/
Has anyone who contacted their congressmen about this issue gotten a response yet. So far, I've only gotten one of those automatic computer generated responses. Im curious to see if any of them have said if they plan to do anything about it.
Now that his emails have been released, we should use search terms that we know that they have used to disguise actions and people in the past. The codewords and deliberate misspellings they have used. For example searching the word corney instead of Comey. We should say if we find anything interesting.
It is also known as the "Domestic Terrorism Prevention Act." This bill will allow federal agencies to create new domestic terrorism agencies to investigate people who they classify as "domeatic terrorists and extremists." It will be used to purge the military and law enforcement of these so called terrorist infiltrators. Then they will prosecute them as well as everyday citizens they deem as threats. We must make sure our representatives are aware that the true intention of the bill is to target their political enemies. You know how the dems love to hide their true intentions with harmless, mundane, or Patriotic sounding names for their bills.