Are we positive that Putin is destroying these biolabs? If so, would that not just release the viruses and bioweapons from the labs? Also, why should we trust what Putin has to say about his goals in Ukraine. He doesn't appear to be only going after military targets like he said. He is closing in on their capital. That sounds like he is preparing for an occupation of the country. Remember, he said he wouldn't do that. There has already been civilian casualties even though he said no civilians would be targeted. He is also now threatening Finland and Sweden and getting his nukes ready. How are those two things cleaning out the cabal corruption in Ukraine? We need to remember that Putin was a former member of the Communist KGB. He has also in the past praised the Soviet Union and said it was a disaster when it collapsed. Putin may not be on board with many of the cabal members or their plans, but that doesn't necessarily make him good. He might just be his own monster with his own ambitions. Even his own people are beginning to turn against him now. Trump just knew how to keep him in line.
Is their a place where they have compiled vaccine sideeffects affected by military personnel? Someone I know, who is in the military told me that he doesn't want the vaccine, but he has to take it or he'll have to reimburse them for his schooling and be in massive debt as well as be kicked out. He wants to take Moderna because he doesnt trust Pfizer.
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">The World Economic Forum's Great Narrative Conference: "The good news is the elite across the world trust each other more and more... the bad news is that the majority of people trusted that elite less..." <a href=""></a></p>— James Lindsay, watching narratives crumble (@ConceptualJames) <a href="">January 21, 2022</a></blockquote> <script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>
Can anybody post some links to the news articles regarding the camps for the unvaccinated in Australia. I know google wont show them. I'm trying to prove these exist to someone but they dont believe their are articles about them.
This just happened, It's so annoying to be discriminated against like this.
Surprisingly, a Netflix documentary does a good job exposing a satanic conspiracy connecting to the son of sam murders. It goes into how this connection was covered up and ignored once they got their guy. It also delves into the existence of a satanic cult connected to many murders and events throughout the country. Some of this info vindicates what Q says about what the Lucifarians believe, including the prominent use of their symbols. An interesting documentary to watch if you have the time.