The whistleblower on twitter known as Johnisheretohelp has a new thread today which explains how Nancy Pelosi owns her own secret police force within the capital and how she was instrumental in setting up the 6th. I took 3 screenshots of relative posts but don't know how to post all 3 of them. One of the pictures connects the shooter with this police force based on a bracelet on his arm that is also owned by Pelosi. Bracelet may signal membership to this group.

Update: Here are the three screenshots. https://ibb.co/896cqD6 https://ibb.co/9WqKxy5 https://ibb.co/LZc3bLZ


Rep. Devin Nunes said, on Maria Bartiromo's show today, that Republicans are being prevented from attaining high offices in military organizations. Apparently, the excuse is based on them afraid of and are investigating "domestic terrorists within their ranks because of January 6th." I think he mentioned the NSA in the story. This is in line with what Obama did in his administration purging Patriotic generals. If this is happening within our military now, how are they suppose to reveal the truth of the 2020 election and bring Trump back in office? I hope there are people on the inside fighting these insane new policies.


One of my coworkers had gotten the vaccine today. He ended up having a bad reaction to it. During the shift he began to complain about dizziness and headaches. Later after getting him to sit down and drink some water, he said he had chest pain. Eventually, he had to be taken home and he might of had to go to the hospital afterward. One of my other coworkers said someone passed out in the lobby and had to be taken away by ambulance, but I didn't see that one.


Pelosi and the democrats are trying to pass a bill that will essentially federalize our election processes. All in effort to "prevent voter suppression." This law will force states to abide by the same processes and will make it so much easier for fraud to be committed. It contains a clause that will make it so you can vote the same day you register. This can easily be used in fraud with people registering and voting at many areas. There is also a clause that will allow underage voters to register; this can also be easily exploited for fraud. They also have provisions that will "prevent voter surpression" by making it harder to make voting more secure. Here is a link to the bill.


We must do everything we can to fight back against this bill. Contact congressman and senators. Try to get democrats to dissuade their senators if possible. I believe it already passed the house.This bill can destroy our electoral system even more than it already is. It may be irreparable if this thing passes.


One piece is a worldwide best selling manga and popular anime. The main antagonists of the show are called the World Government. Sound familiar, certain groups may want to establish one here. The world government in the show has been shown to cover up their atrocities and change history for their benefit. One of their atrocities is destroying the inhabitants of an island because a group of historians and archeologists there may uncover secret history that had been kept buried. This secret history is known as the void century, and it is essentially a 100 years of history which the world government has buried. It is speculated that this history tells the truth of the world governments founding and not their propaganda. It is not hard to believe that certain events in our history may have been lied about or altered. Certain events may have been covered up for all we know. We know that, if the globalists get their way, the truth of the 2020 election won't be covered in history, and the Trump presidency will be deemed a failure without observing the good he has done. One of the most interesting things is the rich and powerful of their world can buy and sell slaves at auction houses run by traffickers. That sounds like pizzagate to me. Also, certain families live outside the law in the One Piece world. They are known as the Celestial Dragons and are the descendants of the WGs original founders. They are also known as the World Nobles. They can kill and enslave whoever they want with no consequences. Sounds like some of our elites today. Do you think the author to this series is exposing the real world in his work? One of the characters watching the rich and powerful buy slaves at an auction house said, "this is like a miniature version of the world in here." Who's world, his or ours?


Let's say the military really does end up turning on Biden and the deepstate politicians. What is to stop outside forces from getting involved? China might get desperate if their puppet is taken out. Their is rumors they could invade from Canada. The UN may feel ironically that Bidens imprisonment was an illegal coup. They might invade to "restore order," if their deep state buddies are in danger.

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