son_of_honey_badger 2 points ago +3 / -1

I still don't understand what happened.

President Trump called us to the Capitol and we answered the call knowing that it was almost certainly a trap, yet hopeful that President Trump had some 5D chess move planned.

Instead it was just a trap and President Trump told us to ensure a peaceful and lawful transition to communism before he drove away and the FBI rounded us up.


son_of_honey_badger 1 point ago +1 / -0

I also like how Hitler outlawed usury banking from both Germany and reunified Austria.

The German and Austrian economies became supercharged after the New World Order Rothschild central bankers were exiled and those countries finally returned to printing their own money again.

Imagine how fast our recovery would be if we followed Hitler's banking and political corruption rules!

I suspect this was the true reason why WW2 was declared.