There is a group of us(over 600) so far that have had papers drawn up for ciminal charges of Extortion to be laid against Premier Higgs in NB Canada. We will be presenting it to the RCMP in Fredericton (the Capital) this Sunday. Please pray for us we are trying to the mandated shots.
I thought I had it saved but I can't find it.
Canadian agency wanting to buy tear gas in 2016 for c19 response???
Can you see it?! Freemasons again.
WHO European Advisory group says the Vaccinated have to be Quarantined.
Remember when this Happened?
Arnold Schwartzenegger's Secret Jewish History.
UPDATE from Reiner Fuellmich.
Who REALLY controls China ? Take a look.
This native man is telling it straight, about what's happening in Canada.
LOL, The View gets a new cast member.
I AM SO UPSET! I shouldn't have taken a break because now they're gone! I'm sooo mad at myself! And the f'n censorship!