MOUNT PLEASANT, Wis. (CBS 58) -- The Village of Mount Pleasant announced plans Monday, March 27, for an agreement with Microsoft Corporation. The village says Microsoft plans to purchase a 315-acre parcel of land in Racine County with the goal of creating a $1 billion data center campus.
“Microsoft was attracted to this location because it is primed for development,” said Village of Mount Pleasant President David DeGroot. “Through local investments, we have transformed this area of Mount Pleasant and equipped it with the infrastructure necessary to support a major investment by Microsoft.”
The proposal will be considered by the Mount Pleasant Village Board on March 30 and by the Racine County Board at its April 11 and April 18 meetings.
“Our first commitment is always to local taxpayers,” said Claude Lois, Project Director for the Village of Mount Pleasant. “That will be the case as we move forward with Microsoft.”
Pending approvals, the village says site work could begin later this year.

Reptilian/Demonic vibes? Kohler has just released their new commercial, just shortly after the death of well loved Herb Kohler. Shame on you Kohler!
RACINE — Mayor Cory Mason said he tested positive on Monday for COVID-19.
In a Facebook post Tuesday, he wrote "Yesterday I tested positive for COVID. I am thankful that I am vaccinated and that so far my symptoms are mild. To help stop the spread, my family and I will be isolating in accordance with health guidelines and doctor recommendations. Stay safe Racine!"
Hospitalizations for COVID-19 remain low statewide, but new confirmed cases are on the rise, indicating that the coronavirus is actively spreading but that vaccinations are keeping people alive and out of the hospital.
Down from a record high in late 2021, average new cases confirmed per day fell into the low 300s in March but have since risen to more than 1,100 cases per day, according to the Wisconsin Department of Health Services.
Statewide, according to DHS, 61% of the Wisconsin residents are fully vaccinated and more than half of those who are fully vaccinated have received at least one booster dose.
Wisconsin residents not fully vaccinated against COVID-19 were 2.4 times more likely to be hospitalized with the virus and 3.4 times more likely to die from it than those fully vaccinated in March.
When logging in, receive a message says its down
SEN RON JOHNSON—LEGISLATION TO LET DOCTORS BE DOCTORS WASHINGTON—On Wednesday, U.S. Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wis.), along with Sen. Mike Braun (R-Ind.), and Sen. Mike Lee (R-Utah) introduced legislation to protect doctors, patients and prescribers. The Right to Treat Act S. 3670
will reaffirm that no federal agency has the authority to regulate the practice of medicine and that no federal law, rule, or regulation of policy will prohibit or restrict the lawful prescribing or disbursing of any FDA approved drug or Right to Try drug.
Sen. Johnson said, “The pandemic exposed the fact that many doctors no longer call the shots when it comes to treating patients, the COVID Cartel does. The COVID Cartel includes the Biden Administration, federal health agencies, Big PHARMA, mainstream media, and Big Tech. The Right to Treat Act would ensure that federal health agencies return to their proper functions of gathering and providing public health data and regulating drug safety – not telling doctors how to practice medicine. Because federal health agencies sabotaged the early treatment of COVID-19 using widely available and safe generic drugs, an untold number of people needlessly died from COVID-19. Americans and doctors should have the freedom to use fully approved drugs without fear of reprisal. It’s time to once again let doctors be doctors and allow them to fully practice medicine.”
Sen. Braun said, “Doctors, not the federal government, know their patients best. It is critical that they have the freedom to prescribe FDA-approved drugs and treatments that are the most appropriate for their patients.”
BREAKING FEATURED Gableman asks court for Racine's mayor, other Wisconsin city leaders to be jailed
EMILY HAMER Lee Newspapers After stating last month he’s not trying to jail mayors, the Republican-appointed investigator tasked with reviewing Wisconsin’s 2020 election filed another petition Friday that would do just that to the mayors of Madison and Green Bay — and now a list of city and election staff — if they don’t comply with a lengthy list of demands.
Conservative former state Supreme Court Justice Michael Gableman on Friday filed yet another petition in Waukesha County Circuit Court against the two mayors, this time adding Racine Mayor Cory Mason, the city clerks from Madison and Green Bay, staff from the Wisconsin Elections Commission and city of Milwaukee employees.
The Journal Times on Friday reported that Racine officials were subpoenaed to be deposed by Gableman on Valentine's Day, but the officials did not go.