threesevens 1 point ago +1 / -0

Well known and notorious larper EyetheSpy. The account has been called out by multiple anons already. Ignore.

threesevens 3 points ago +3 / -0

Is there another Project Looking Glass that Q was talking about?


And they weren't worried as much about 2012 as they were worried about was going to happen after 2012, namely the Great Awakening, which Looking Glass told them they could not prevent.

threesevens 5 points ago +5 / -0

Here’s the short version if you dont have 3 hours to watch those videos:

Project Looking Glass and the Great Awakening

threesevens 8 points ago +8 / -0

To tell you the truth, at this point it does not even matter who Q is, or if they are actually an intelligence insider close the Trump administration (which, after following for 3 years, beyond any doubt they are). What matters is the worldwide truth movement, the Great Awakening, that was started by the research and sharing of information motivated by Q.

But to start read these two introductions:

Introduction by American Thinker

Martin Geddes on Q

More resources:

Another Introduction to Q and the Great Awakening truth movement

Here are two short video introductions by Joe M: https://youtu.be/KVeDKuHPDK8 and https://youtu.be/MRtEgdgj_XQ

Q drop aggregators: Qanon.pub and Qmap.pub

X22report and Prayingmedic for daily Q news and grounded decodes. Prayingmedic also wrote a book. The book is good for beginners and he has some beginner Q vids too.

RedPill78 is also popular for Q related news

Gab community This is NeonRevolt's community, who also wrote a book.

Qresearch boards on 8kun (Where Q actually posts). The threads Q will post in are titled "Q Research General"

threesevens 3 points ago +3 / -0

Here are some of my favorite Q educative resources gathered over the last few years of following the movement:


by Timor
threesevens 1 point ago +1 / -0

Here are some of my favorite Q educative resources gathered over the last few years of following the movement: https://greatawakening.win/p/GvAzEhft/here-are-some-of-my-favorite-q-e/

threesevens 1 point ago +1 / -0

I've answered this plenty of times, but here are 2 responses I've made:

  1. Q has motivated the truth movement not placated it - to the point where it is probably now the largest and most active truth movement in history. An army of digital soldiers have uncovered and disseminated a vast amount of research over the last few years. Now they are out protesting against elite pedophilia. Are those passive activities? No.

    Maybe the ones criticizing Q from the sidelines are the ones who are actually doing nothing but complaining and wallowing in blackpilled hopelessness?

    Would the cabal rather you believe it's hopeless or do what the Q movement is doing?

  2. Q has created the Great Awakening, the largest and most active truth movement in history that is redpilling millions of people and created an army of digital soldiers that are countering the fake news mainstream media lies. The results of Q's operation are what counts.

    IF Q is a psyop why did it create a large grassroots truth movement that is redpilling millions of people: The Great Awakening?

    IF Q is a psyop why did it empower and motivate people to dig up a vast amount research and to share, redpill, and cheer each other on in exposing the greatest evils that mankind has ever seen?

    IF Q is a psyop why is it under constant attack and maligned by the MSM?

    IF Q is a psyop why is it being censored and deplatformed by big tech, including Reddit banning all Q related subs?

    Logical thinking.