transonic-prophonic 3 points ago +3 / -0

There is a theory that the Cabal will assassinate him, so they can blame Trump supporters and declare everyone domestic terrorists. DC will become a controlled access zone, and removeing 2A will become top priority, cause you never know where a crazy trumper with a gun will be hiding!

transonic-prophonic 4 points ago +4 / -0

dates in the red ribbon.

transonic-prophonic 2 points ago +2 / -0

Hit refresh... sometimes twitter gives me that when I click on a twitter link.

transonic-prophonic 1 point ago +1 / -0

Think it being mores code for Q is the more likely here. Long Long Short Long

transonic-prophonic 2 points ago +2 / -0

While not really Q related, Michael Heiser's unseen realm really woke me up to what the early Jews believed, and that the spiritual realm is real. I think a lot of Christian beliefs has removed a lot of the supernatural from it. Weather on purpose, or as not to scare people.

Michael Uses texts written by scholars from ancient times, as well as other cultures to paint what the world view was at the time, and how the stories we take for granted had a much different meaning to the people living at the time the scriptures were written. He also goes into some stuff about mistranslations

God is at war, and the spiritual entities he is up against are real and powerful. They hold the nations in their grip. Nations Jesus was sent to free and bring back into God's control.

https://youtu.be/bZ-OwSH7IYM stick through the opener it gets pretty good, part 2 is even better! https://youtu.be/dDaUtkkpWS8