umliak23 7 points ago +7 / -0

Any damage is self inflicted. Your beliefs don’t hurt you, what you do about them or how you react when their are challenged hurts you. I don’t feel damaged, my relationships haven’t changed, my perspective on reality remains the same. Sorry if that has happened to you and even many others but it doesn’t change how I believe. Any dates set were by others and whatever happens despair and regret profits you nothing. If you want to give up and go on, by all means. No hard feelings, just don’t stay to hinder those willing to remain.

umliak23 5 points ago +5 / -0

Yeah you did and I responded by questioning your motivations. Kind of an odd point to make that you answered my question. And you also are still responding so how is that something to laugh about? Hiding your insecurities with an “lol” when someone actually questions the validity of your behavior isn’t that offensive to me man. Shows weakness of character. Do you even believe what you’re saying? Besides, I’ve got some time. This is pretty entertaining to me! So go ahead and keep shilling!

umliak23 6 points ago +6 / -0

You’re using the internet to troll something you perceive as ridiculous, I’m actually trying to discuss. The failure seems to be your lack of any substance to what your saying. You’re just regurgitating garbage you’ve seen other people reply on message boards and think that’s the way things are done. You ever have any original ideas, do you have any inner monologue, or are you just programmed to be hateful and petty?

umliak23 7 points ago +7 / -0

Hide behind your traditions then and don’t question your own life’s choices. Whatever helps you feel justified.

umliak23 8 points ago +9 / -1

Shows how sad your life must be to come here where you think we’re all crazy just to laugh at us. Got nothing better to do eh? Your laughter must ring hollow in your own ears thinking about the misery in your life. I truly feel bad for someone who seeks out the perceived misery of others.

umliak23 33 points ago +33 / -0

If they just want this to go away, continuing to attack it only draws more attention. I only found out about this place because someone was shilling so hard against it.

umliak23 3 points ago +3 / -0

My wife used to dislike trump, but thanks to win and now this site, she’s constantly asking me “what’s going on” and sees that Trump is against all these evil people.

umliak23 7 points ago +7 / -0

I will do exactly that bud. I know in whom I have believed and it goes way beyond politics! Whatever happens I’m resting in Jesus Christ.