Ever wondered about the possibilities the future holds? Inspired by recent conversations and some very intriguing personal encounters, I present to you a thought experiment called "Project 23".

The Setting:: Picture this: Elon Musk, flanked by powerful leaders like President Trump, Putin, and perhaps Bobby Kennedy or Vivek Ramaswamy, makes a global broadcast on every digital platform. The message? A call to action.

The Call: Every individual who's been part of the rumored global cabal, the ones whispered about in hushed tones, are invited to the main stadiums in their cities the next day.

The Process:

  1. Confession Booths:At these stadiums, military and civilian personnel would receive them. They're offered a chance – confess their deeds, share their stories in hopes of leniency.

  2. Tech Power: Using the prowess of companies like SpaceX and Neuralink, all this information would be processed in real-time. Everything is cross-referenced, creating a global web of truth (or perhaps, the 23 layers of truth?).

  3. Rehabilitation: Rather than punishment, these individuals are given an opportunity for rehabilitation. A chance to heal, to become part of a society that seeks understanding and growth.

The Goal: Unveil the truth, or the multiple truths, to humanity. A reckoning, a healing, a fresh start.

I dub this "Project 23" – a nod to its layers, complexities, and mysteries. What are your thoughts? Do you believe in the possibility of such a turning point? Could this idea ever reach someone like Elon, and would he champion such a cause?

Remember, this is a space for open discussion and wild ideas


The globalists are once again moving one of their creepy clowns into the Univision newsroom to help them attack Trump and keep Clownworld in power. Is he a Chinese spook? or what do we know about this Soros and Obama puppet using the word Change for everything and protecting Colombian narco president Petro? Who is this guy? any info on this guy and his globalist Bolshevique friends. He supports everything Clinton. Looking for tips on this POS


Executive Order 13848, titled "Imposing Certain Sanctions in the Event of Foreign Interference in a United States Election," was signed by President Donald Trump on September 12, 2018. Here's a summary:

  1. Purpose: This order is aimed at addressing foreign interference in U.S. elections. It empowers the U.S. government to impose sanctions on foreign entities found to have meddled in U.S. elections.

  2. Determination of Foreign Interference: Within 45 days after the conclusion of a U.S. election, the Director of National Intelligence conducts an assessment to determine if any foreign interference took place. The assessment is then forwarded to the Department of Justice and the Department of Homeland Security for review.

  3. Sanctions: If foreign interference is confirmed, the U.S. government can take a variety of actions, including freezing assets, restricting travel, and imposing sanctions on individuals or entities deemed responsible.

  4. Definition of Interference: The order broadly defines interference to include any covert, fraudulent, deceptive, or unlawful actions or attempted actions by a foreign government (or anyone acting on its behalf) that can undermine the process or results of a U.S. election. This can be through spreading disinformation, hacking election machinery, or influencing campaigns.

  5. Review and Termination: Every six months, the Secretary of the Treasury, in consultation with the Secretary of State, the Attorney General, and the Secretary of Homeland Security, reviews the sanctions imposed and decides whether they should continue or be terminated.

The overarching goal of the executive order is to protect the integrity of U.S. elections and deter foreign entities from attempting to influence the electoral process. __And catch them all when they do it Again


In a way, Dasein is about authenticity. Heidegger's phenomenology of Dasein, his existential analytic, is the laying bare, or letting be seen, of the fundamental structures of existence – the mode of being peculiar to Dasein.

In so far as Dasein is, Dasein exists. But he does not just speak about the structures of existence. He also draws a basic distinction between existing authentically and existing unauthentically.

Initially at least, his existential analytic is concerned solely with Dasein in what he calls its ‘everydayness’ (Alltäglichkeit). The structures of being which his phenomenology of Dasein claims to lay bare are, in the first instance, either indifferent to the distinction between authentic (eigentlich) existence and inauthentic (uneigentlich) existence or they are structures of inauthentic existence.

So what does this distinction amount to? It first appears in § 4 (though at this stage the terms ‘authentic’ and ‘inauthentic’ are not used):

‘Dasein always understands itself in terms of its existence – in terms of a possibility of itself: to be itself or not itself. Dasein has either chosen these possibilities itself, or got itself into them [in sie hineingeraten], or grown up in them already’ (12).

!!! To exist authentically is to be myself, to choose my possibilities of being. The terminology is first used in § 9: ‘And because Dasein is in each case essentially its own possibility this entity can in its being “choose” itself, win itself; it can lose itself or never win itself but only “seem” to.


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