God, Are You Watching? 🧘Mental/Physical Health 🏋🏼‍♂️
posted ago by villageidiot22 ago by villageidiot22

I know You are watching this board. We need your strength, we need your intelligence, we need your guidance. Please help us all as Your servers so that we can stop the madness and bring sanity and personal responsibility back to your creation. You have many faces, you can help us today as we will help ourselves with your guidance. I ask for the fortitude to survive the game, and the perseverance to win it. Help us All.


Hello frens, I'm starting to pick some attention from important attorneys in Latin America so I'm gonna have to come out of the closet and need some friends to help me in information gathering and classifying. They are very interested to understand the real motives behind the human trafficking and southern border crisis and its connection with money laundering connected to the "non-for-profit" cartel that the Clinton Financial Bounty Hunters uncovered. We saw the video of the Clinton Foundation, UN, and other players in Panama and would love to dig deeper. Any help or links are greatly appreciated.


I was doing yoga in the morning and had a rant inside me, so i asked chat gpt to help me turn it into a positive rant, here is the result. "Good morning, my fellow warriors in the battle for truth and justice. As we rise to meet the challenges of a new day, we are confronted by the reality of a ruling class that seeks to maintain their grip on power through corruption and deceit.

But let us take inspiration from the wisdom of Sun Tzu and other great strategists throughout history. They teach us that victory is not won by brute force alone, but through careful planning, cunning, and the ability to adapt to changing circumstances.

So let us sharpen our minds and hone our skills, as we prepare to engage in the struggle for a better world. Let us remain vigilant in the face of opposition, and steadfast in our commitment to the cause.

For as Sun Tzu wrote, 'The supreme art of war is to subdue the enemy without fighting.' Let us use our knowledge and our passion to win the hearts and minds of those who would stand in our way, and create a future that is worthy of our aspirations.

Together, we can and we will emerge victorious. Thank you."


Hello, brothers from Brazil and Arizona, In my morning meditation appeared to me that you should Use this document (share far and wide) as a guideline for civilian pacific action on tactical and strategic planning.


This document was used many times by the CIA and other global operatives to manipulate and topple local small and medium governments all over the world.

Some of these tactics are already being used by some of you but still, you can use some more to your final advantage.

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