The method of the hack was something a school kid could have done, this after not being touched in the prior 2 elections. I find it hard to beleive he would not have had a decent security company preventing spear phishing.

We all know this is a false narrative, the actually stopped and ins erection.


He needs to add that the deportation may not be to their country of origin.

Honestly an effort of that large scale can't possibly sort everyone out, 5 million from mexico, 5 million back,1 million from Gaza, 1 million back. . . . Since they are undocumented, we have no way of knowing where they came from. Gaza to Mexico, Ukraine to Gaza, Mexico to Ukraine, it really doesn't matter to us who goes where. Those that are here to vote illegally might think twice if they come to the realization that the worst case is not that they will return to where they come from.


If you beleive that there is a supression of the Gold price by Major Banks and the Fed, and that the Stock Market is headed for a massive decline (I beleive over time and not a crash) then does it make sense that there would have to be a pause in money going into Gold supression to pump the market up so that the same people can remove the money from the Stock Market? This results in the record high Gold Closing price today.


Major Banks are Predicting rate cuts next year, the Fed is saying not so fast, investors are clinging to Gold because the duality is signaling, I think, that the era of Gold and Silver price suppression may be coming to an end, not by choice.

Trump put the next administration, whoever they were to be, in a box by cutting rates during the pandemic to nothing. He got Powell in just in time to do this. Now we see a situation where raising interest rates to the point of stopping inflation will collapse the banking system as we saw last March, and not raising them causes inflation to run out of control, They are trying to give the impression of a balancing act and that everything is under control, except they cant control the price of Bonds, the Fed is going under water supporting the reverse REPO market, paying interest to banks to prevent them from loaning the money out to keep velocity down in an attempt to stop inflation. Now you have a trillion dollars spent the last quarter of the year, and a trillion a year (and climbing as old short term debt rolls over) in interest on money we already borrowed.

I am seeing mining stocks way down relative to the price of Gold, and they look to be steals to me.

I am no expert, so I am curious as to what some of the experts here have to say about this!


As muck as I like Jim Jordan and wanted him to be speaker, he seemed out of place and I dont beleive that was the plce god wanted him.


You will now see the evidence that has been withheld from you, listen to the facts with open ears, open eyes, and open heart. This is a God moment we are experiencing right now, enjoy it and I pray you don't miss it.


I always thought Trump would be speaker, and when it didn't happen last year, I thought to myself maybe we need to see how this McCarthy really is and expose him. Something was said the other day that McCarthy's Jan deal will be revealed by the next speaker. There is only one man that will reveal the speakers deal, release the J6 tapes, disclose palozzis emails, and expose the deals made against us by a corrupt congress that has been screwing the American people since ANY of us have been alive on Gods green earth. The second American Revolution is showing right now in the theater we call the United States of America, and we are seeing the end of THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA corporation. Let's all sit back and enjoy the Non Violent revelution that our decendants will be talking about to their decendants til the return of our Lord, Jesus Christ. God Bless you all.


This is the only way he will get a fair trial, and it will set the precedent and get the public conditioned to Military Tribunals for the swamp. I believe this to be part of the plan, and the woke military making the verdict will add to the mass pop awakening. Remember his exoneration will expose classified material that will be deemed to be unclassified by the military, and lead to the indictment and tribunals for the swamp.

Q post 3716 (https://qanon.pub/?q=first%20arr#3716)

First indictment [unseal] will trigger mass pop awakening. First arrest will verify action and confirm future direction. They will fight but you are ready. Marker [9]. Q

See Q post 2501 (https://qanon.pub/?q=classifie#2501)

"WHITAKER (in conjunction w/ OIG) approved the release of CLAS docs 1-4 as requested by the House Committee and as ORDERED BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES. Will the release occur prior to scheduled testimony? List advantages. Will the release occur post scheduled testimony? List advantages. If those testifying 'know' select CLAS docs will become public [self-incrimination] how might that alter/change their testimony? DC has become RAT infested. https://www.gpo.gov/fdsys/pkg/CFR-2010-title3-vol1/pdf/CFR-2010-title3-vol1-eo13526.pdf Executive Order 13526 Sec 1.7 "Classification Prohibitions and Limitations. (a) In no case shall information be classified, continue to be maintained as classified, or fail to be declassified in order to: (1) conceal violations of law, inefficiency, or administrative error; (2) prevent embarrassment to a person, organization, or agency; (3) restrain competition; or (4) prevent or delay the release of information that does not require protection in the interest of the national security." Does UK stand w/ the US or only select divisions within the US? Does AUS stand w/ the US or only select divisions within the US? Will immediate action(s) be 'publicly' taken within each country to REUNIFY THE BOND that was once held PRIOR TO…….[CLAS 9]? [Koala] Q"


Not advocating a bank run, but if they shut the system down temporarily it would shine the light on the ponzi scheme we call the federal reserve note. Debate welcome as I know this is a controversial statement.


I dont think you will find a match, and if so, the whole narrative collapses about Trump supporters being responsible.


While there are many maps out there showing the flows around the Ohio River basin, the real danger from the vinyl fluoride spill is in the underground aquafers and watersheds. There are rivers of water underground that cannot be seen, that are mapped by the USGS, as shown here.


There are also watersheds and Basins that are formed by the gravitational forces on the surface of the earth, as you learned about the East West Continental divide in school. (Can't speak to those educated more recently) Also, less known in other areas of the country are the basins that comprise the Mississippi and Saint Lawrance rivers separated by the North South continental divide.


While the Ohio River contamination affects mostly the surface near the edges of the river, there is also seepage from the ground into aquifers either directly below the wreckage, or from water sources feeding into the aquafer via runoff.

The damage will take years to fully understand, but with the population of unknowing VAIDS patients, the effects of the carcinogens may be seen much sooner than expected. This is 5th gen warfare, most of our friends and neighbors have no idea what is even happening yet, or that anything IS even happening. We are part of an awakening, and unfortunately it is not the poorly defended that will be casualties of this war, it is the poorly informed.


And at the same time 320 people who protest the regime probably disappeared at the same time.


Each reinstatement brings more pain to the deep state.


No need for the midnight ballot drop.


1 Here's an idea, work straight through August instead of going home for summer vacation

2 Put in a 40-hour work week every week like the rest of us

3 Regarding number 2, being wined and dined does not count towards your 40 hours

4 The Senate spends more time during their session Filibustering

5 The 20 patriots who have not been bought and paid for can't pass any legislation, tell McCarthy to step aside

6 Your evaluation of our intelligence is insulting and demeaning, and you yourself don't have the intelligence to realize this


We had 2 donors standing by that were not vaccinated and got all kinds of excuses that it wouldn't be feasible. They finally said if in the rare case she needed blood, they could stop the bleeding long enough for us to donate blood. I find it hard to believe this is not a bigger issue. Catholic Hospital, Catholic Doctor, and the last thing out of his mouth was "The Pope says it's OK!" Any experts out there want to weigh in on the introduction of mRNA blood into an unvaccinated bloodstream?

She did not need the transfusion, but . . .


Despite the plot twists, we know how the movie ends.

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