Instead of the blatantly obvious election fraud being overturned? To me, if Biden gets to pretend to be president for a full term, that's a defeat. You?

EDIT: This place is adorable...can't let sensible, adult level questions be discussed...

34 admit there never was a virus/pandemic. We all know, without any doubt, that no numbers reflect the notion of a pandemic, that "they" were/are merely pretending that the numbers showed that.

There will always be a 2nd variant... 3rd on and so forth, until all of you admit there's no "SuPeR dUpEr, SuPeR sCaRy ViRuS!!11!" and...STOP ARGUING ABOUT WHERE A COMPLETELY OBVISLOUSLY BULL SHIT PANDEMIC WAS "LEAKED" FROM...that argument is just another layer of the psyop onion and YOU make it real every time you engage in it.


I looked on Reddit and couldn't find anything. Is there a community website somewhere? I ask here because I couldn't think of anyplace else where I might find people that watch it. Relevant to here I guess because I feel like people here might feel like "The Chosen" in our time.


Take this:

and combine it with this:

And you can see where they're trying to steer the near future. Plan, no plan...whatever, this needs to be said:

They won't "force" anyone to do it...just like they didn't force anyone to pretend there's a pandemic...just like they don't force anyone to do anything. The name of their game is to gradually condition people to CHOOSE to do it. To consent to it.

My point is, it's obvious that they're actually going to try this, and nearly every person who we're going to rely on to stand up to it has just spent the past year enforcing rules for a "pandemic" that clearly never existed. "They" just spent the past year making sure literally everyone required to enforce "re-education facilities" is the kind of person that will do exactly as they're told no matter how ridiculous/sick/evil it is. Please realize the first line of enforcement will be local...

I've not had this issue before.


The should have been a statement made awhile ago now. Even if they do come out soon and say something it's suspicious because of how long it's taken. And please don't post about the fucking BuzzFeed article claiming it was a "disgruntled employee"...I'm asking if the literal State Department has commented.

EDIT: Is working for anyone? Won't come up for me.


The more this goes on the more convinced I am that "good guys" have had a gun to everyone's head this whole time and this has all been a big theatrical production so that normies get why drastic measures have to be taken.

I could be wrong, but for some reason my gut tells me not to be too worried right now. Admittedly that's only because of the Q op, which must be why they did Q, because otherwise there really would have been people like me taking over DC...there are legit militia groups out there and they haven't done anything yet.

Now...Q could be the biggest psyop too....but if it is legit then they really would have used the military by now if they needed too. The info they posted proves they are, in fact, in the control room and have been since at least they started posting.

Despite the fact that I can't even stand TV commercials at this point, the past week when I've gone to the gym the older normies there have had CNN on and it's so bad that it actually made me laugh, but I didn't get the sense those people were anti-Trump at all, in fact one is a veteran that was just shaking his head and said "they're going to start a civil war..."

My point being...I think, like a large tumor, "the big psyop", in other words "reality" as far as most people are concerned, had so infested normieland that they couldn't just rip it out, they had to carefully surgically remove it so that they didn't kill the whole body. In fact, they couldn't even tell the patient they had such a large tumor because even that may have sent the them into shock.

Again, I could be wrong, but the last 4 years, especially what the Q op has done, have been so revealing to so many people that the damage done outweighs any bennifit Q being a big psyop may have had for them. So, if that's the case, that the Q op really is as I've described above, and patriots really are in control, then they could have AND WOULD HAVE pulled every trigger they needed to already. Apparently they haven't had to, and only will at the right time.

If "Q" is a massive psyop, then it's the worst psyop ever, because it has, actually created a worldwide movement of awakened, enlightened people who have built our own grassroots communication networks, which means, regardless of what Q really is...I feel bad for them if it is just a psyop, because...all of us are more ready than ever to fight back right now.


Just keep that in mind while you browse this place now that we have so many new people. In my opinion, we are witnessing a planned take down of TDW and now this place. They won't ban our communication, they'll make it such low quality and full of confusion that we effectively won't be able to communicate.


According to this post, Trump was physically at the rally and could have started the speech on time:

I would assume team Trump knew what antifa was going to do at the capitol building, so they left "on time" so Antifa thought the clock was ticking. Then they waited and MADE SURE the speech went long so the majority of Trump supporters WERE NOT there when they tried to breach the capitol building.

As I was watching the speech I kept wondering to myself why the hell he was still talking while the voting was starting. I eventually stopped watching the speech to watch the voting. I went on a drive to clear my head when I realized it was going to take all day. 20 minutes later I was back home and the capitol had been "overrun"...I thought to myself..."That was fast."


Because that's what just happened today. Spread the word as far and wide as you can. And be fucking angry about it.


Maybe, but I've personally never thought so. He basically laid the groundwork and planted the seeds for everything that's become "the Q movement" for YEARS before Trump even announced running. And he was doing BEFORE it was cool.

Hey, I could be wrong, but I've been doing this shit for a long time before Q, let alone you, and if there's one red flag disruptive technique that I hate the most it's the "call someone crazy without explaining why as if everyone assumes it's true" technique.

But please, go ahead and actually explain with logic why Field is a "shyster".


I have no idea who they are and what, if any, connection they have to Q, but their videos were epic and I really enjoyed them. Then they got purged from YouTube. Anyone know of a backup channel anywhere? I've looked on Bitchute and some other places and not found anything.


Is there away to download all the Q drops? Might be a worthwhile thing to do in case we lose internet access.

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