posted ago by STIDGIT64 ago by STIDGIT64 +26 / -0

Would you please set up a commision on creating an organization to set up an institution similiar to an mental Hospital but run like an assited living facility. It is clear that the mentally ill people can not be depended to take their medication as needed and it is clear that their family members can not handle them. These people deserve their dignity but they also need help.

It would help these families tremendously knowing thet their loved ones were being cared for by qualified individuals with the correct training instead of issues growing to the point that the police are involved. 

It is not anyones fault of what is happening now but it is up to us to correct it. No man ,woman or child should be living on the street some have mental issues some other issues . MR PRESIDENT. You are a man of action and for the people make it all the people please look into helping the FORGOTTEN AND UNSEEN PEOPLE. To.