Q posted a Shuttle launch video, so the title of this post may be misleading as it implies a certain timing. I did not see the phrase at the Q sites I check. When Q posted AC130 vids (multiple times in the past) there was no pinpointing specific days either. When you put the phrase in quotes, you indicate it is an exact phrase from Q, which is clearly not the case and so it is totally misleading.
More likely around Nov 3 and after will be the key. Already some suspect Dems will try to close voting centers to sabotage our side.
Okay, I checked the vid and saw the intro picture, so there was where the phrase came from. I skimmed the vid too quickly the last time, saw too many STS vids on YT already. I stand corrected -- launch phase, I agree. Arguably, the phrase does not word-for-word expouse Q's intentions but is instead sort of an aspirational phrase, like those movie clips Q have linked to before. Because the phrase implied timing, it was easy to read too much into it. A tricky thing.
Rudy doesn't seem to be dishing out booms lately, unless he is holding back something for the next 3 days or so. Or leaving it to Guo / GNews?
Q posted a Shuttle launch video, so the title of this post may be misleading as it implies a certain timing. I did not see the phrase at the Q sites I check. When Q posted AC130 vids (multiple times in the past) there was no pinpointing specific days either. When you put the phrase in quotes, you indicate it is an exact phrase from Q, which is clearly not the case and so it is totally misleading.
More likely around Nov 3 and after will be the key. Already some suspect Dems will try to close voting centers to sabotage our side.
Prepare for war.
He's saying we have entered the launch phase is all
Okay, I checked the vid and saw the intro picture, so there was where the phrase came from. I skimmed the vid too quickly the last time, saw too many STS vids on YT already. I stand corrected -- launch phase, I agree. Arguably, the phrase does not word-for-word expouse Q's intentions but is instead sort of an aspirational phrase, like those movie clips Q have linked to before. Because the phrase implied timing, it was easy to read too much into it. A tricky thing.
Rudy doesn't seem to be dishing out booms lately, unless he is holding back something for the next 3 days or so. Or leaving it to Guo / GNews?
He's saying we have entered the launch phase is all
Note, the accompanying video was from a launch of the space shuttle Discovery, STS-121.