user6395 2 points ago +2 / -0

Give you another one: Mary was not a virgin, of course. It was just a bad translation from Hebrew to Greek. Look it up.

The Bible is an object of meme magic, the product of myth-making. It cannot be a model of factual integrity.

Your faith is in a bubble, because your religious leaders want to protect their empire. Thus, anything that threatens their power is well and truly bad for you. Well OK, it's your life.

user6395 2 points ago +2 / -0

Well, "put down another"? You are doing it in your last sentence also. Hahaha. But hey, I'm an adult, I can take a hit. No problem.

The only contemporary record of Jesus / Joshua, which is by Josephus the historian, is problematic too. For a big-ass miracle, Jesus warranted very little in Josephus' writings. Historians have a good argument that those passages were inserted long after Josephus died to give Jesus more legitimacy. Outside of Josephus, there is no historial record in that period. But there was a big-ass truckload of myth-making. Myth-making led to the religion.

I prefer Peter and those who were more traditional. Paul was a Roman who infused the fledging religion with Roman bureaucracy and administration, which brought good and bad. In effect turning the religion into the very thing many early leaders fought against. The Roman Empire, reborn. Of the heretics who did not follow this new empire, many were not allowed to live.

The Bible you read, it's an approved collection by a committee of religious bureaucrats, who conveniently deleted a whole lot of other books because they did not complement their Roman Empire style of empire-building.

Jesus' long hair? That's a later Roman style, historically inaccurate.

And so on and on and on.

What I have just wrote is a search for the truth too. Two can play the game.

user6395 1 point ago +1 / -0

Oh, Jesus (should be Joshua actually, but those Greek translators didn't want him to be mixed up with all the other Joshuas, hahaha) and everyone else had no idea the primary cause of the Exodus was the eruption of Thera (Santorini) around 1300 BC. So much for the Son of God. Good day to you Sir.

user6395 2 points ago +2 / -0

Geez, how old are you? Maybe English is not your first language? You should learn stuff properly and spell properly before trying to be a big-time poster.

2020 years ago? Jesus wasn't even born on 1 AD. Or even 1 BC. Go and look up the current consensus views of historians who study that middle eastern period.

Speculation. Speculation. Far out speculation on topics you don't even understand or know well. Not a helpful or useful activity at all.

user6395 3 points ago +4 / -1

Seconded. I think the standards here are much higher.

Plenty of people are willing to do anything to make money or exploit something.

jtreddit1234 must be really naive to think such vids are worth his time.

user6395 1 point ago +1 / -0

It's the same with Papadopoulos. I don't track Twitter, but I got the impression his timing of pointing out news scoops is impressive. Both Papadopoulos and Byrne just got caught up in the game. Papadopoulos is just a lobbyist.

Look at Patrick's Wikipedia page:


Admitted to bonking a Russian swallow, supposedly encouraged by FBI. So he maintained a relationship with the FBI as an asset. Well, that is something he can share with Trump. In the past, Trump may have been an FBI asset too, for the Atlantic City casino stuff.

A background in finance. Berkshire Hathaway. Must have been rubbing shoulders with the elites. He may seem like a maverick, and has interest in exposing the DS, so that will make him a prime target for co-opting.

An analogy: Rudy, Miles Guo and Bannon have a connection. While Guo fights the good fight, I wonder about the veracity of some of the items on the GNews. So, at best, I see Guo as an ally who has his own China-related intel sources. In intel compartmentalization, assets don't need to be let into the inner compartments.

At best, I see Byrne as an ally. Nothing I have found points to anything beyond a career in finance. A like-minded sounding board? Maybe. An ops decision-maker? Never.

user6395 3 points ago +3 / -0

Papadopoulos talks a lot too, he also appears to quickly highlight tweets that are news scoops. Is he part of Q?

Nope. We didn't hear of 305 at all, then it turned out they were busy during the elections. It's a huge op. Let's not jump to conclusions for every fellow who is vocal. Tycoons will surely be targets of Dems, RNC, Israel, CCP, well, everybody who's into espionage. Maybe he just wants to be visible because he thinks that will keep him alive.

After reading a lot of espionage non-fiction over the years, my personal opinion is this: They are pawns in the game. Probably Good Guy pawns. If so, then let's hope they come out of the game alive and in one piece.

user6395 3 points ago +3 / -0

Malachy is good.

I also want the third Fatima:


Jorge trying to flee? Hunt him down.

user6395 4 points ago +5 / -1

There are plenty of enemies.

China turned Jackie Chan into its whimpering poodle thanks to the latter's son drug case. Are there nice guys in CCP? Nice guys would not survive in CCP.

The world is not a benign place that wants to do good for you. No siree.

user6395 8 points ago +8 / -0

Here is an example of a possible ops, posted on QStorm Poal:


Such news is very hard to corroborate, so take it as an unconfirmed news bite. The mil is doing their part, and we will show our support for Trump when the time arrives.

user6395 7 points ago +7 / -0

This could be one of those zing or boom moments that leaked out, like the senator who blurted out the server seizure. But they may hold this card closer until it is used.

I think it's impressive that there is so little that leaked out. Apparent ops here and there had been reported on various forums, even in downtown LA one time, and none of these have been admitted to.

Bring on the Great Awakening. Forced Red Pills for all!

user6395 9 points ago +10 / -1

Plausible. There are definitely stand-ins around. Hillary double is too healthy. Melinda and Bill are fakes. Bill has no more opinions about tech? Come on!

It's the ultimate in Art of War. Silently wind down the enemy. Then one day, the fake news will realize what they have been backing has disappeared, the real people had been replaced by scarecrows.

Controlled demolition. I would not rule this out.

user6395 10 points ago +10 / -0

Same here. Been there, done that.

Decades of brainwashing did this. Feed on mainstream news. Stay clear away from conspiracy theories. They are in a comfortable bubble. Even very well-educated are like this. Sheeple.

I think they are just going to have to take that big red pill up their asses. I'm sure they'll survive.

user6395 3 points ago +3 / -0

To clarify, I meant those mega churches, the ones with flash and bling aplenty. Their priority is to amass power, not to do religion. To be fair, it's the same with all other religions too, for example, there are lots of amassing power goes on with buddhist temples in Thailand and elsewhere.

user6395 2 points ago +3 / -1

You know, I know. I live in the real world.

But often the Bible is used for propaganda of the "everything is holy and pure and beautiful so bow to us and be obedient and give us part of your salary every month so that we have tax-free spending money" kind of thing.

user6395 16 points ago +16 / -0

Lock and load frens.

If they wanna fight back, shoot the commies between the eyes.

user6395 6 points ago +6 / -0

I think the Bible may be a conduit of meme magic.

That said, it is incorrect to put Trump on a pedestal like some sort of Holy White Knight. Trump is a flawed man, like us. He cheated on his wives in the past, and did all the things a playboy does.

But he was a man in the unique position, time, and place to take up the monumental task of saving the world.

Anyone can pick out a bunch of these and make a big deal out of it. In the Bible too there are instances of extreme violence in the name of God. So, this is more of an exercise in picking stuff to suit a narrative.

user6395 3 points ago +3 / -0

Theater. The delay is also theater. MOAB does not have to fall on Friday, January is still the more critical deadline. Hell, if we are using the military, who cares about the January deadline either.

The titbit of news entices the mainstream fake news to cover the story.

Such a delay will be real useful to trap RINOS. I'd like vaporizing turtle Mitch in a hail of bullets. I wouldn't mind that, for traitors.

user6395 4 points ago +4 / -0

I don't think Q mentioned any Christmas stars.

There is a very close Jupiter-Saturn conjunction on Dec 18. Back in the old, old days, it would look like the wandering stars have merged, especially if one's eyesight is spotty.

I think it's the Internet crowd who linked this conjuction with the election going-ons.

Be prepared, to what degree depends on where you live. I mean, Ratcliffe was straight out baiting the other side yesterday. Like Q said before, they want the other side to expend ammo.

user6395 2 points ago +4 / -2

Yeah, it's a dumb theory.

Q posts were done by more than one person. And even the main person(s) style has changed since the beginning.

One stretch of Q posts during the riots had an almost journalist-like tone, stylistically those posts did not try to speak to us in first person. Perhaps someone maybe an underling was posting in the stead of the usual person.

Very early on, Q was chatty and gave far out hints. Early chatty postings were akin to early Trump rallies where Vincent Fusca was signalling. Later, comms were far more disciplined, and Fusca was no longer trying to make the news. I see that as a clear sign they decided to go for comms discipline and ops discipline.

user6395 3 points ago +3 / -0


As for NXIVM, we're read all about the sentencings, but almost nothing about high profile people who used NXIVM except for Bronfman. I think there is a lot of meat there yet to be revealed.

This week is gonna be awesome.

user6395 13 points ago +13 / -0

Dec 18 is actually the deadline for the report to POTUS as required by the election EO, 45 days after the election.

Yesterday, the Dems knowingly pursued their goals, even with explicit warnings. Another step done. All the processes carefully done, so that nobody can say they were entrapped.

This week will be real fun.

user6395 6 points ago +6 / -0

I agree with you. I support the gist of Q, but I don't try to go into any timing predictions. It's a slippery slope.

In other words, dig deep enough and one might find what looks like real data. Or, try hard enough and one might see something in the entrails of a chicken.

I don't believe in exact timings given in advance, but it all looks like something has to give in the next week or two or three.

user6395 2 points ago +2 / -0

Most Internet traffic is on fiber optics, they can handle a lot more than comm sats these days but anything can be sabotaged. Sats are more for broadcast applications, plus many niche areas.

You can't move the sat to anywhere safer up there. Hydrazine delta-V would be limited or too valuable to waste on this, and ion propulsion would be too slow.

There are a lot of meteor storms throughout the year, the probability of a strike is very low because there is a whole lot of empty space out there.

I expect the Deep State to order some of the main exchanges to stage a major fault condition, or a major network operator can inject bad routing into major or infrastructure routes (via BGP or something like that.) There have been cases of other countries messing with traffic routing, whether accidental or malicious.

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